Reporter Charlie

  Recently, a news that "Alipay has supported transfers to WeChat QQ friends" has appeared on the hot search, saying that Alipay has launched a new function to support transfers to WeChat friends.

However, the reality is not as good as imagined. This function is actually only sending a transfer QR code, and all transfer processes are completed on Alipay.

In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the central bank, Alipay and WeChat cannot transfer money directly, and a third-party bank must be entrusted to do so.

"Curve" transfer requires three steps

  According to the official introduction of Alipay, the so-called "transfer to WeChat friends" method can realize the transfer without knowing the Alipay account number of the other party, and a single transaction can transfer up to 2,000 yuan.

In fact, transferring funds to WeChat friends through Alipay does not require funds to be transferred from the Alipay account to the other party's WeChat account, but requires three steps:

  The first step is to select "transfer to WeChat friends" on Alipay's "transfer" page, set the amount, the method of payment, and after successful payment, you can get the QR code for receiving the funds;

  The second step is to save the screenshot of the QR code and send it to WeChat friends, prompting the other party to scan it with Alipay to receive it;

  The third step, if you want to know the status of the claim, you can check it in the "Bill". The funds that have not been claimed within 24 hours will be automatically returned to the original payment channel.

  Simply put, this closed-loop transfer is completed in Alipay, which is equivalent to using Alipay to generate a transfer QR code and then share it on WeChat. WeChat friends can complete the transfer in their Alipay account through the QR code.

In addition to WeChat, transfer QR codes can also be shared on QQ, DingTalk, Weibo and other platforms.

  The reporter found that this function is still in the grayscale test, and not all users' Alipay pages have the function of "transfer to WeChat friends".

It is reported that this is a small-scale test service launched by Alipay before. Users can notify friends to receive transfers through the WeChat channel, and it is still in the stage of collecting feedback from all parties and further improving.

  Last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology put forward the requirement that all Internet platforms realize interconnection and open external chains. The interconnection process of Alibaba, Tencent, Douyin and other platforms has been significantly accelerated, but there are still many blocking points.

At present, Alibaba's many apps including, Youku, Damai, Shuqi, etc. have been connected to WeChat payment, WeChat has supported sharing and opening Taobao product website, and entering Taobao account in WeChat's built-in browser Complete the purchase directly with the password, but still cannot share the normal links and applet of Taobao and Douyin.

  However, in terms of payment, the cooperation between cross-platform financial institutions, clearing institutions and non-bank payment institutions is constantly advancing.

Alipay has opened relevant payment permissions to Cloud QuickPass, WeChat Pay and Cloud QuickPass have officially realized the mutual recognition and mutual scanning of offline barcodes, and China Merchants Bank has also officially realized QR code interconnection with WeChat Pay. Users can scan and scan through China Merchants Bank ” function to scan the WeChat payment code to make a payment.

"One-code scan" relies on banks to join

  Since the beginning of this year, my country has made frequent moves in the field of digital payment.

  A few days ago, there were media reports that the WeChat swipe payment applet was launched, and some merchants in Shenzhen have been connected to the swipe payment device for testing. Users can pay for orders by swiping the palm print.

This is another new payment method after password payment, fingerprint payment and face payment.

It is reported that the swipe palm payment technology identifies the user's identity by scanning palm prints and detecting palm features such as vein lines. It is not a touch-type fingerprint identification technology, and will be applied to scenes such as subway turnstiles, access control, and automatic retail cabinets.

  Not long ago, the article "Solidly Carrying Out the Pilot Work of Digital RMB Research and Development" released by the Central Bank's Digital Currency Research Institute revealed that as of August 31 this year, the number of digital RMB pilot areas in 15 provinces (cities) has accumulated 360 million transactions and an amount of 1,000.4 100 million yuan, and the number of merchant stores that support digital renminbi exceeds 5.6 million.

In addition, the article also clearly proposes to realize the interconnection between the digital renminbi system and traditional electronic payment tools, so that consumers can "scan with one code", and merchants can try to support various payment tools without increasing costs.

  In the future, if you want to achieve true "one-code scanning" payment, third-party financial institutions may act as a "bridge" for Alipay and WeChat payment.

  According to the requirements of the Central Bank's "Measures for the Administration of Payment Services for Non-Financial Institutions", the transfer of monetary funds between payment institutions shall not be handled by payment institutions depositing monetary funds with each other or entrusting other payment institutions, but shall be entrusted to banking financial institutions.

This is also the direct reason why the Alipay account cannot be transferred directly to the WeChat account.

According to regulatory requirements, with the addition of third-party banks, Alipay and WeChat may be interconnected in the near future.