As Olenchenko noted, when countries buy energy resources, they usually proceed from their national interests.

“And in this situation they need a surplus, who will pay them?

This proposal by the EC will lead to greater tension in relations between EU member states, ”the political scientist said.

In his opinion, the European Commission is more involved in political projects, and in "economic affairs" does not show promptness and does not offer good ideas.

“We must first create a body that would assess the needs of each country and how conscientiously it treats its needs.

Such a formulation of the issue, according to which the EU member states should share gas with each other, strengthens dependency relations and imbalances in the EU,” the expert explained.

At the same time, the analyst emphasized that the main problem is in ensuring gas supplies, and not in its “sharing”.

Earlier, the European Commission suggested that EU countries share gas with each other in the event of an emergency.