In view of the current energy crisis, the vast majority of people in Germany want to find out more about their own energy consumption.

According to a representative survey by the digital association Bitkom, 88 percent of those surveyed would like to know at a glance how high their energy consumption is at the moment and where they can still save.

In the survey published in Berlin on Monday, 78 percent would like an intelligent electricity meter.

73 percent said they generally need more information and tips on how to quickly reduce their energy consumption.

Because of the enormous price increases on the energy market, a quarter of the people in Germany are already reducing their own energy consumption "at every possible point".

40 percent reduce it "in many places" and another 20 percent at least "in a few places".

However, 16 percent said that they do not limit their energy consumption.

Bitkom CEO Bernhard Rohleder explained that the pressure on households was high.

“Transparency and better real-time consumption information are essential so that people can save energy in a targeted manner.

You can only take effective measures if you know how high your own consumption is and which devices are the biggest power guzzlers.” While you can see the data volume used on your smartphone at any time, there is usually no such transparency in households .

"The digital technologies have long been there to give consumers massive support in saving energy - and without having to go to the electricity meter in the basement and make records by hand."

38 percent of those surveyed do not currently know how high their household electricity consumption is per year.

And 32 percent cannot quantify the amount of their monthly down payment.

In Germany, 1006 people aged 16 were interviewed.

The representative survey was carried out by Bitkom Research on behalf of the Bitkom digital association.