The Mohammed bin Rashid Library cooperates with "Etisalat from e&" to restore books and manuscripts


The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Library Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with the "Etisalat by e&" group to support and develop an integrated center to provide restoration services and technical treatment for various types of rare collectibles such as books, manuscripts and others.

The signing of the agreement was attended by a member of the Board of Directors of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Library Foundation, Dr. Mohammed Salem Al Mazrouei, Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Ahmad, Senior Vice President of Sales for Major and Government Institutions in the "Etisalat by e&" group, and a number of officials and employees from both sides.

Dr. Al Mazrouei said that the signing of the agreement represents a major step in our efforts towards expanding and strengthening areas of joint cooperation with all government and private agencies to preserve and care for old documents, books and manuscripts through sterilization, treatment and restoration of library holdings and relics and national documents at the level of institutions and individuals.. He stressed that the restoration of documents Manuscripts and books are an integral part of our vision and our duty to support the sustainability and continuity of human civilization with all its components and to transfer knowledge and cultural heritage to future generations.

He added that the restoration center will include the latest devices, tools and modern technologies necessary for the process of restoring documents and books for the library and for institutions and individuals at the state level in terms of cleaning, sterilization, completing missing parts and others, in addition to scanning books, maps, manuscripts and other written works, then converting them into digital formats, publishing and making them available to students and academics. And those interested, in addition to the presence of experts and specialists to develop and train national cadres to lead the future of restoration, based on their vision to make the most of the library’s resources, its paper and digital resources, and its young cadres.

For his part, the Senior Vice President of Sales for Major and Governmental Institutions in “Etisalat by e&” Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Ahmad, said that E&E will provide the library with the latest chemical treatment units, automated restoration and the latest technology, which will contribute to providing a high-level restoration service according to the best international standards. .

The agreement stipulates the provision of "E&E contacts" to support the development of the restoration center by providing the supply, installation and additional services related to the project, while the Mohammed bin Rashid Library is committed to providing some facilities and services in return for this agreement.

The restoration center will include the latest devices, tools and modern technologies necessary for the process of restoring documents and books in terms of cleaning, sterilization, filling holes, completing missing parts and others, in addition to scanning books, maps, manuscripts and other written works and then digitizing them, i.e. converting them into electronic formats that can be published, saved and made available on various electronic platforms for researchers and scientists and students.

The Restoration Center works to preserve rare books and collectibles as a form of preserving human development and the continuity of human civilization with its components by bringing out rare manuscripts or books in a manner commensurate with the way they are displayed in museums and exhibitions by treating damage and restoring worn out parts without prejudice to the historical identity.

The restoration is also a guarantee of the continuity of human civilization as a historical message from the past to the present and the future and a mirror that reflects human life in its historical stages.

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