24 cities launch housing subsidies to boost consumption

  Experts say that this measure can reduce the cost of buying a house for home buyers, stimulate consumption, and help stabilize property market expectations

  Our reporter Liu Meng

  Entering the second half of this year, many places across the country have released housing subsidy policies.

According to incomplete statistics from a reporter from Securities Daily, at least 24 cities, including Zhengzhou in Henan, Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, Changchun in Jilin, and Chongqing, have introduced relevant policies such as "issuing housing subsidies and consumer coupons" to boost the property and consumer markets.

  In this regard, Zhang Bo, dean of the 58 Anju Room Real Estate Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from Securities Daily that measures such as issuing house purchase subsidies and consumer coupons can reduce the cost of house buyers and stimulate consumption, which is conducive to stabilizing property market expectations.

  It is understood that there are three main types of housing subsidy: one is to issue housing purchase coupons to directly deduct the house price, such as Jilin City, Changchun City, etc.; The third is to issue consumer coupons for building materials, home improvement, furniture, home appliances and other real estate downstream industries, such as Zhengzhou City, Zunyi City, etc., to owners who have successfully purchased houses during the event.

  Fu Yifu, a senior researcher at Xingtu Financial Research Institute, told a reporter from Securities Daily that the issuance of housing subsidies and consumer coupons can reduce the financial pressure of house buyers, stimulate residents' willingness to buy houses to a certain extent, and promote the release of consumption potential. It can stimulate the recovery of real estate and related industries and ease the pressure on economic operation.

  In Fu Yifu's view, issuing consumer coupons for building materials, furniture, home appliances and other fields can also reduce consumers' consumption costs in disguise and increase their willingness to consume, which is of positive significance for the recovery of related industries in the upstream and downstream of real estate.

  In fact, the above-mentioned housing subsidy policy is only a microcosm of the favorable policies related to the property market that have been introduced in various places this year.

According to statistics from the Central Plains Real Estate Research Institute, from January to September this year, more than 200 cities across the country have issued various real estate policies more than 800 times, up 65% year-on-year.

  At the same time, many departments have also successively introduced relevant policies since the beginning of this year.

For example, on September 29, the central bank and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice deciding to adjust the differentiated housing credit policy in stages.

On September 30, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued the "Announcement on Personal Income Tax Policies Supporting Residents' Exchange of Housing", giving tax rebates to "sell one and buy one"; Starting from today, the loan interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund will be lowered by 0.15 percentage points.

  Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of E-House Research Institute, believes that, on the whole, the frequent issuance of "gift packages" for house purchase policies across the country has a positive effect on boosting transactions in the fourth quarter.

(Securities Daily)