The Guardian writes about it.

“You can't talk about the economy without talking about the future, which is serious.

This is very, very serious, and I think it can push the US and the whole world - despite the fact that Europe is already in recession - to a recession in six to nine months, ”said Dimon, quoted by InoTV.

In his opinion, the US Federal Reserve "waited too long and did too little" against the backdrop of rising inflation over the past year and a half.

In addition, financial markets will remain volatile for the foreseeable future, which could coincide with volatile market conditions, he said.

Thus, the US stock index S & P 500 could collapse by another 20% against the backdrop of tightening the Fed's monetary policy, and such a fall "could be much more painful than the first," Dimon warned.

The heads of the IMF and the World Bank also allowed the global economy to go into recession in 2023.