The Verdi union and the civil servants' association dbb are demanding 10.5 percent more income for federal and local employees - but at least 500 euros per month.

According to information from the German Press Agency on Tuesday, this is a central component of the package of demands for the upcoming collective bargaining for the public sector.

At the beginning of next year, around 2.5 million municipal and federal employees will be negotiated.

There should be at least 500 euros more with a term of twelve months.

According to the information, the training allowances are to be increased by 200 euros per month.

The later result is to be transferred to civil servants at the federal and local governments.

The unions justify the wage demand among other things with the high inflation.

"Employees should be assured that they will not have to accept any loss of real wages," said dbb boss Ulrich Silberbach.

Verdi boss Frank Werneke had emphasized that in addition to inflation compensation, a strong focus should be placed on the lower salary brackets.

"When determining the claim, a minimum amount will certainly also play an important role," said Werneke to the dpa.

In a statement, Silberbach described the demands as "more than justified" given the volatile situation.

The dbb boss spoke of the expected "tough" negotiations.

“The mood in public service companies and authorities has never been so bad.

Outdated equipment, increasing workload, high levels of sick leave, declining motivation: these are all warning signs.

Positive impulses on the subject of payment are now all the more urgent.”

The result of the negotiations must therefore ensure two things in the end: “Public service employees participate in the general development of income.

That is their right.

In addition, the competitiveness of the state as an employer is secured.

A look at the demographic development shows what an existential challenge recruiting young people has become for the federal government and local authorities.

We are already missing 360,000 people and this number will grow quickly.”

municipalities under pressure

The Association of Municipal Employers' Associations (VKA) had already called for restrained wage demands.

Municipalities are under enormous financial pressure.

Many municipalities have significant old debts.

The investment backlog of the municipalities amounts to around 159 billion euros.

Warning strikes are considered likely given the different positions.

For example, childcare workers or bus drivers could walk out as part of the collective bargaining dispute in winter, as was the case in previous collective bargaining rounds.

The collective agreement expires at the end of the year.

Three rounds of negotiations have already been agreed for January, February and the end of March 2023.

In view of the high inflation, the trade unions had already announced high demands in advance.