In the run-up to the "concerted action" convened by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, DGB boss Yasmin Fahimi with representatives of employers and trade unions is sticking to her demand for permanently rising wages.

It takes into account the rising energy costs and the economic situation of the companies and industries, said Fahimi on Thursday in the ARD.

"But we will also make it very clear what our expectations are, namely that we need real wages to stabilize."

It is not just about one-off payments, but about raising the wage level.

"How best to do this, whether to do it over the course of a year, whether using a base amount or a one-off payment, I will not discuss that here at the table or in the Chancellery, but the parties to the collective agreement must do that," emphasized the former SPD -Members of the Bundestag.

Unions and companies agree, however, that a wave of insolvencies must be prevented.

"Of course we would like to discuss this with the Chancellery." Specifically, Fahimi called for a second so-called energy price flat rate and a cap on gas prices.

Chancellor Scholz wants to meet with representatives of employers and trade unions on Thursday to jointly explore solutions for combating inflation and rising energy prices.

Scholz has already asked employers to pay their employees an inflation premium of up to 3,000 euros, which should remain tax and duty-free.

The trade unions welcome this possibility, but insist on permanently higher wages.

The first concerted action took place in early July.