Although the forced generalization of telework during the Covid-19 pandemic opened up the field of possibilities in terms of operating methods, most employees have since returned to the office, with more or less enthusiasm.

Some companies, particularly in the digital sector, however, play the free electrons by basing their model on “full remote”, in other words with 100% remote workforce.

A flexible framework that attracts more and more young professionals wishing to combine career and discovery of the world.

A veritable “mobile office”

According to a YouGov survey, carried out in 2021 for the recruitment firm

Nicholson Search & Selection

, 61% of 18-34 year olds are in favor of a job carried out entirely remotely.

The advantages of properly organized telework are indeed numerous in terms of productivity, flexible working hours and the reconciliation of private and professional life.

But there is also another potential interest in working remotely: moving your office wherever you want!

This is called nomadism, a phenomenon on the margins but which has enough to make more than one globetrotter dream since workers can change regions or even countries several times during the year, regardless of their holidays.

“Nomadism ignores geographical locations,” sums up Céline Méchain, HRD for the scale-up, an IT engineering company working on the cloud.

The trip differently

At a time when work organization methods are as diverse as they are varied, we must not confuse everything.

We are not talking here about teleworkers who go from time to time to the coworking space in their neighborhood or those who choose to move abroad permanently and even less about those who travel for their job.

Nomadism refers to workers who take advantage of the fact of working remotely to spend a few weeks or months in other regions of the world, without changing their tax residence.

An opportunity previously mainly reserved for freelancers and independents, and which has been extended to employees thanks to the democratization of teleworking.

"We receive requests from people who want to follow the sun by spending part of the year in the Scandinavian countries, then the other in the South, or even employees who wish to undertake a world tour without taking a break from their career", explains Céline Méchain.

Rich in cultural discovery and authenticity, this experience allows you to live like the locals to go beyond the simple tourist trip.

A niche phenomenon

Before flying to an exotic destination, however, you should come back down to earth because not everyone can claim this kind of immersion.

Nomadism is indeed not conceivable in a company operating face-to-face, even part-time (the famous hybrid work).

And even if it operates in 100% teleworking, it still has to accept your successive changes of location which involve certain steps from the employer, particularly in terms of insurance, and can sometimes go hand in hand with a modification of the time zone and therefore your working hours!

More broadly, this kind of organizational flexibility is therefore more suitable for digital companies, especially when they are developed in full remote on an international level since their workforce is already scattered around the world.

Our “TELEWORK” file

And even in a company like, with some 350 employees in 35 countries, this type of experience only interests a handful of people.

According to the scale-up's HRD: "The requests for nomadism that we receive only concern junior profiles, who do not yet have children in school, and who wish to discover other cultures over one or two years. .

It's not a sustainable way of life."


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The interested tourism market

If nomadism raises many practical and above all legal questions, particularly with regard to labor law which does not yet recognize this mode of organization, the actors of tourism and temporary accommodation have for their part understood the potential of this phenomenon.

We thus see sprouting almost everywhere shared residences in


, designed expressly to accommodate workers for short periods of time, or even hotel programs intended for teleworkers on long stays, not to mention the dedicated visas set up in certain exotic destinations.

  • Telework

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