Technology empowers sports at home

  Zhang Yi

  With the rise of national fitness as a national strategy, people's life concepts continue to change, the fitness atmosphere is increasingly strong, and the fitness crowd is growing rapidly.

In particular, home fitness has become a trendy way of life, and the online fitness ecosystem continues to expand, bringing new opportunities for the leap-forward development of the sports fitness equipment market.

  First of all, home fitness sports equipment is becoming a new outlet in the industry.

Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, some sports projects with special requirements for venues or venues are difficult to carry out, and a large number of offline fitness venues choose to switch to online fitness business.

However, the epidemic has also stimulated a national fitness boom, and the proportion of consumers who exercise at home has increased significantly, which has fueled the consumption of home fitness equipment.

It is recommended that relevant companies launch customized products according to the characteristics of home fitness to meet the new needs of consumers in terms of noise reduction, convenient assembly, and product miniaturization.

  Secondly, the fitness equipment industry presents a more professional, subdivided and intelligent upgrading trend.

At present, entry-level sports equipment has been difficult to meet the growing sports needs of consumers, and many people turn their attention to professional training-level products.

In this regard, professional fitness equipment manufacturers can invest more R&D resources to create products suitable for family scenarios, and further improve the functions of various products from the perspectives of safety, health, and intelligence.

  Third, consumers' fitness demands are further subdivided.

For example, consumers have put forward high requirements for treadmill products - in terms of sports safety, consumers want to reduce sports injuries, which requires manufacturers to upgrade cushioning technology and increase protection measures; in terms of convenient storage, consumers want home use Treadmills are easier to store and take up less space, which requires manufacturers to increase the design of quick-release and full-folding functions; in terms of noise reduction, consumers want to reduce ground resonance and relieve noise reduction, which requires manufacturers to further innovate in materials and processes , It adopts flexible noise reduction and pressure reduction running belt, high elastic fiberboard and off-the-ground design.

  In addition, influenced by the preferences of young consumers, more and more digital and intelligent fitness equipment has come out.

The new generation of fitness equipment, through intelligent perception, data analysis, etc., can more targetedly meet consumers' fitness demands such as fat loss, muscle gain and local shaping, which can not only help consumers exercise more scientifically and effectively, but also improve exercise. of fun.

  Overall, under the guidance and support of national policies, in the increasingly strong sports and fitness atmosphere, the domestic fitness equipment consumption market will be further improved and expanded.

It is expected that more companies will seize the opportunities in the industry and achieve high-quality development while providing consumers with richer, smarter and professional products.

  (The author is a senior researcher at Consumer and Industrial Development Research Institute)