
In the meantime, there have been many criticisms that banks conduct excessive interest business by paying low deposit interest and high loan interest.

Reporter Jeon Yeon-nam tells which banks had a large difference in interest rates on deposits and loans last month.


Among the five major banks, Shinhan had the largest difference in interest rates on deposits and loans last month.

Shinhan Bank's loan-to-deposit interest rate difference was 1.62 percentage points, 0.6 percentage points higher than that of Hana Bank, which has the smallest difference.

The larger the loan-to-deposit interest rate difference, the higher the loan interest rate and the higher the deposit interest rate.

By loan type, the difference in interest rates between Nonghyup and Woori Bank was the largest for mortgage loans, and for general credit loans, Nonghyup and Shinhan Bank ranked first and second.

Let's assume that people with 851-900 points, the top 20-30% of the credit score, get a loan.

The bank with the lowest interest rate was Kookmin, and the bank with the highest interest was Woori, a difference of 0.5 percentage points.

For credit loans, the cheapest place was one and the most expensive was Shinhan, with a difference of nearly 0.6 percentage points.

It was changed from once every three months to each bank and to upload them all at once on the website of the Federation of Banks every month.

This is in fulfillment of the president's promise to prevent banks from trading interest on loan-to-deposit interest rates.

[Kim Joo-hyun / Chairman of the Financial Services Commission (Today, the National Assembly Political Affairs Committee meeting): (Disclosure of the loan-to-deposit interest rate difference) I think that it is one of the ways to control the problem of excessively raising the loan interest rate by the market force. ]

However, the problem that fixed and variable rate loans are mixed indistinguishably and that the average interest rate of banks that have loaned out loans to low creditors rises seems to be in need of improvement.

(Video coverage: Hyung Yoon, Video editing: Woo-jung Woo)