Justus Haucap is making his shares in the FAZIT Foundation available and is retiring from the Board of Trustees, which he has been a member of since 2016.

The background is discussions about a guest article by Haucap about the driving service provider Uber in the FAZ. The article appeared before he became a member of the board of trustees in 2014. Media reporting recently linked this text to lobbying for the company Uber, which was not disclosed.

The tasks of the trustees include checking that the available foundation funds are used in accordance with the statutes.

They determine the annual accounts, decide on the use of the results and monitor the management of the FAZIT Foundation.

But above all - and this is their main task - they ensure the independence of the newspapers published by the subsidiaries of the FAZIT Foundation.

The members of the Board of Trustees of the FAZIT Foundation are grateful to Haucap for his dedicated work and support.

The FAZIT-Foundation has held the majority of the shares in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH since 1959, when the original donors transferred their contributions to it.

It ensures the independence of the newspapers published by the subsidiaries of the FAZIT Foundation.

The FAZIT Foundation uses the income from its participation in the FAZ exclusively for charitable purposes.

It supports universities, colleges or museums, awards scholarships and donates prizes for scientific or journalistic excellence.

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is Ulrich Wilhelm.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees is Andreas Barner.

The other curators are Marija Korsch and Birgitta Wolff.