newspaper commentator

  Since the beginning of this year, my country's economic operation has experienced a very unusual process.

The economy got off to a good start in the first two months. In late March, due to unexpected factors such as the rebound of the epidemic and the Ukrainian crisis, the downward pressure on the economy suddenly increased, and the main indicators fell deeply in April.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council took timely and decisive measures to deal with challenges effectively. All regions and departments implemented the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, implemented the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the policies and measures of the "Government Work Report", and accelerated the implementation of various policies and measures to stabilize the overall economic market. Positive results, the decline of major economic indicators narrowed in May, and the economy stabilized and rebounded in June.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, according to preliminary calculations, the GDP in the first half of the year was 56,264.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.5% at constant prices. Among them, the economy achieved positive growth in the second quarter, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%.

  Looking back at the economic trajectory in the first half of the year, it is not easy to achieve such a result.

Facing the extremely complex and difficult situation, my country's economy has stabilized and rebounded in a relatively short period of time, thanks to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the joint efforts and tenacious struggle of the people of the whole country, and the benefits of various regions. The department actively acts as a synergy.

  Looking at the essence through numbers, the incomparably strong leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is the most reliable backbone of the Chinese people when the storm strikes.

The steady recovery of my country's economy has once again demonstrated the strong resilience and huge potential of China's economy. It fully shows that the good momentum of my country's sustainable and healthy economic development has not changed, the conditions of production factors supporting high-quality development have not changed, and the fundamentals for long-term improvement have not changed. , my country's development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities.

  At present, there are more and more positive factors in my country's economic operation. As the effective coordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development continues to show results, and the effects of macro policies are further released, the economy is expected to continue to maintain the momentum of recovery in the second half of the year.

However, it should also be noted that the current development environment at home and abroad is more complex and severe, the foundation for economic recovery is not yet solid, and market operators are still relatively difficult.

  Development is the foundation and key to solving all problems in our country.

It is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, seize the important window period for economic recovery, and solidly implement various policies to stabilize the overall economic market and show results.

It is necessary to give full play to the enthusiasm of the central and local governments, coordinate the implementation of macro policies and deepen reforms, focus on stabilizing market players, employment, and prices, and further open up industrial chain and supply chain blockages, use market-oriented sustainable methods to expand consumption, and eliminate constraints on effective investment. We will continue to expand opening up, focus on consolidating the foundation for economic recovery, and push the economic operation back to the normal track as soon as possible.

To maintain the continuity of macro policies, it is necessary not only to be strong, especially to increase the implementation of a package of policy measures to stabilize the economy, but also to be reasonable and appropriate, and not to advance the future.

At the same time, closely track and judge the changes in domestic and foreign situations, study and formulate new countermeasures and policy plans.

  More than 160 million market entities are the resilience of my country's economy, and maintaining market entities can support stable employment and the broader economy.

It is necessary to support the rescue and development of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises equally, and help market players recover and increase their vitality.

It is necessary to further promote the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, regulating services", continuously optimizing the business environment, and further stimulating market vitality and social creativity.

  At present, the epidemic has not bottomed out, and there is still a lot of pressure on external defense input and internal defense rebound. It is necessary to overcome paralysis, war weariness, and relaxed mentality, pay close attention to various epidemic prevention and control work, and efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Development, protect people's lives and health to the greatest extent, reduce the impact of the epidemic to the greatest extent, and strive for my country's economic development to reach a better level this year.