Counterfeit goods cause multiple losses and hinder investment

“Economy”: 9 indicators that help distinguish between the “original” and “counterfeit”

“Economy”: Counterfeit goods lead to unfair competition between companies.


The Ministry of Economy called on consumers to save money to buy original goods instead of cheap imitations that harm health and are exposed to damage at a faster time, stressing that the consumer is the first affected by the phenomenon of commercial fraud and imitation.

The ministry reviewed nine matters that help the consumer to suspect counterfeit and fraudulent goods.

She explained that the fraudulent goods may cause diseases or may kill individuals, due to the use of materials that do not conform to specifications, in addition to the fact that the purchase of inferior and cheap goods leads to waste of money, and the consumer's rights to recover his money or obtain an alternative to the product are not guaranteed.

counterfeit goods

In a report issued by the Ministry of Economy entitled: “How to distinguish between the original and the counterfeit?”, the Ministry of Economy pointed out that some consumers prefer to buy counterfeit goods for several reasons, foremost of which: the lower price of the counterfeit than the original.

She pointed out that over the years, cheap counterfeit goods have become the preferred choice for some, despite their poor manufacture, rapid deterioration, severe damage, and non-compliance with specifications.

She stressed the importance of the consumer being careful when purchasing products, as they directly affect his health and safety, especially foodstuffs, medicines, and cosmetics.

Effect of "imitator"

The ministry said that the spread of fraudulent or counterfeit goods negatively affects the rest of the companies and producers who produce original goods and adhere to the required quality standards and specifications, and this appears in the occurrence of unfair competition between companies, causing them to incur many losses and bankruptcy, as well as lead to a low level of Sales at companies producing original goods.

The presence of counterfeit goods also contributes to the reluctance of companies with trademarks to invest in the countries in which these goods are promoted, in addition to the losses of these companies whose products are exposed to imitation leads to an increase in unemployment in these countries.

She also referred to severe damage to the environment, and the burden on the state to treat the damages of these products, and ways to destroy them, whether by landfill, burning, or any other methods.

ways to distinguish

The ministry stated that there are nine things that help the consumer to suspect counterfeit and fraudulent goods, namely: prices, where the low price is evidence that generates suspicion that the product is counterfeit, and that the counterfeit product contains typographical errors, poor printing, where the colors are faded and easy to remove and the images are unprofessional, as well as About poor packaging, and the general appearance of the product where the package is bulging, dented, or rusted.

She also indicated that there is an unpalatable taste and a different smell, and that it is displayed in places that are not suitable for display, and the trademark mentioned on the outer cover is in violation of the stamped mark on the product itself, as well as misleading the consumer by placing or changing a letter from the trademark.

Fraud Penalties

The Ministry of Economy explained that Article No. 12 of Federal Law No. 19 of 2016 in the matter of combating commercial fraud stipulates that the crime of commercial fraud is punishable by a maximum of two years imprisonment and a fine of no less than 50 thousand dirhams and not more than 250 thousand dirhams or one of the two penalties. Anyone who has committed a crime of commercial fraud.

Article 13 also stipulates that anyone who attempts to commit a crime of commercial fraud shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine of no less than 10,000 dirhams and not more than 100,000 dirhams, or one of these two penalties.

Article 14 stipulates that whoever commits or attempts to commit a crime of commercial fraud, when it is replaced by food for humans or animals, or drugs, shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and a fine of no less than 250 thousand dirhams and not more than one million dirhams, or one of these two penalties. Medicinal or organic food products.

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