Yesterday, the agri-food chain asked the Government for forcefulness in the face of the problems caused by the strike of carriers in the chain and in the industry, causing millionaire losses, complicating the supply of fresh products and shortages in some supermarkets.

The affected sectors denounce attacks on trucks and blockades in logistics centers and many companies have decided to stop production due to the difficulties for the product to reach its destination.

Both the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and several ministers of the Executive yesterday called the strike a boycott, called for "calm and responsibility" and insisted that the participants "are a minority" that do not represent the transport sector.

The strike, which is not supported by the majority associations, has been called by the Platform in Defense of the Transport Sector, made up mainly of self-employed workers and who denounces that it works below the operating costs.

In four days of unemployment (today marks the sixth) the losses in the agri-food sector, also hit by the rise in the cost of raw materials and energy, already total 600 million euros and there are 100,000 jobs that are at risk, according to the main associations representing the chain: farmers, industry and distribution.

The "recruitment of the actions of the callers of the strike that, since last Monday, have tried to paralyze the country is having a devastating effect on the entire food supply chain," Aecoc, Fiab, Aces, Anged or Asedas denounced yesterday. They warn that "supply problems will begin" for some products in the next few hours.

"They don't go out for fear"

Sources from the sector denounce that there are businessmen who have found dozens of trucks with flat tires and "some stores in the north are empty because the vehicle has had a flat tire a few kilometers from reaching its destination."

«There are thousands of trucks that want to leave and do not do so out of fear.

It is not a problem of supply, but of security in transport," these sources explain.

The impact of unemployment is being uneven.

Galicia, in the north of the country, Andalusia or Extremadura are more affected, as they are areas with a strong presence of the fresh produce sector, the most knocked out by unemployment, given that they are perishable products and are lost.

In Galicia, the ports of Burela, Celeiro and A Coruña are in "a critical situation" because they accumulate 100 tons of fish that they cannot move.

In Almeria, fruit and vegetable companies are losing around 10 million a day and in Huelva they estimate that each raspberry truck contains around 100,000 euros in product and strawberry trucks around 50,000 euros "and there are many who are not being able to leave."

The exporters also complain that they cannot move the product.

The table olive sector, for example, denounces that its exports (70%) are stopped as the trucks loaded with the product cannot arrive from the factories.

There are companies that have already said that they are going to stop production, due to the lack of supply of raw materials that arrive by road and due to the difficulties in transporting the product once it is finished.

The banana sector in the Canary Islands values ​​paralyzing part of its activity starting next week, as it cannot unblock the distribution of its exports from some of the ports on the Peninsula.

More than 2.5 million kilos of bananas are blocked in ports "due to picket activity", 35% of the total.

Shops and hospitality

Distribution is assuming an extra cost of 130 million euros per day to be able to ensure supply and supply in stores, where there is already a lack of some product, such as milk.

In the different markets of the country, although unevenly, there have been falls in arrivals of fresh products, especially fruit and vegetables.

Mercamadrid recorded 65% admissions yesterday and Mercabarna is around 80%.

The beer and hotel sectors have warned of the risk of supply problems in supermarkets and bars and restaurants and say that the strike aggravates the situation of rising costs that they drag and they are beginning to notice the lack of some products.

The Alliance for the Competitiveness of the Spanish Industry, which integrates strategic industrial sectors (automotive, steel, refining...) urged the Executive to take measures now to solve the conflict, such as lowering the price of fuel, without waiting for the approval of the National Plan for Response to the Impact of the War, scheduled for next March 29.

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Know more

  • Galicia

  • Canary Islands

  • Huelva

  • Almeria

  • Estremadura

  • Pedro Sanchez

CompaniesThe cost of the transport strike: 600 million losses for the food sector in just four days

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