Beware of the abuse of "used clothes recycling"

  Recently, individual social organizations, enterprises, individuals, etc. have carried out waste clothing recycling activities in the name of "charity" and "public welfare" without being eligible for public fundraising, and some have also sold used clothing donated by the public for profit.

On March 17, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a reminder, pointing out that this kind of behavior violated the relevant provisions of the Charity Law, damaged the legitimate rights and interests of donors, and affected the image of charity, and should be prohibited.

"Charity used clothes recycling" is supposed to be a kind act to help the poor and needy. In response to the abuse of public welfare and charity resources by some people who harm others and benefit themselves, donors should be vigilant and verify the qualifications of the recipients. The relevant departments must also strictly implement relevant measures. Benefit those in need and warm the hearts of those who give love.

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