Not much is missing anymore, then Germany will have the strictest corona rules in the world.

At least that's what an index from Oxford University suggests.

First the doors were locked to the unvaccinated.

Now people who have been vaccinated twice should also submit a test in order to get to the restaurant.

As politicians hope, this can lead to more booster vaccinations.

But it can also provoke resistance among those who have so far supported the Corona policy - according to the motto: That's enough.

It is no longer just Great Britain that imposes only moderate restrictions in view of the comparatively mild omicron gradients.

Portugal is reopening its nightclubs, with a seven-day incidence of more than 1600. It is not yet clear how the traffic light coalition intends to bring Germany back to normal.

But this question is becoming more pressing.

Ever new restrictions and economic support programs may be popular among health policymakers.

A long-term strategy for dealing with Corona looks different.