Elon Musk has cashed in further shares in the electric car manufacturer Tesla.

The currently richest person in the world sold around 934,000 shares valued at 1.02 billion dollars (a good 900 million euros), according to a message to the American Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Tesla boss is thus approaching his goal of reducing his stake in Tesla by ten percent.

At the beginning of November, Musk agreed to sell a tenth of his shares in the electric car manufacturer via a vote on the Twitter platform.

Since then, he has silvered stocks in several transactions.

With the latest sale, Musk has sold approximately 15.6 million shares totaling $ 16.4 billion to date.

Musk had Twitter users vote whether he should part with ten percent of his Tesla shares in order to pay more taxes.

To get to the targeted 10 percent, he would have to sell around 17 million shares.

Musk is Tesla's largest single shareholder.

According to calculations by the Bloomberg news agency, he currently has a net worth of $ 278.9 billion, an increase of almost 80 percent this year alone.