Elise Denjean with Laura Laplaud 2:20 p.m., November 16, 2021

To encourage the owners of vacant housing to put their property on the rental market, the "Affordable rental" system will be reinforced, announced the Minister in charge of Housing Emmanuelle Wargon. If owners rent their property at a discount to the market price, they will benefit from a tax advantage.

Government's objective: to encourage owners of vacant homes to put their properties on the rental market.

There would be more than a million in France, including 300,000 in tense areas, those experiencing high demand.

To encourage them, the Minister for Housing Emmanuelle Wargon presented Monday the outlines of a new device: "Affordable rental".

She announced that she wanted to "simplify" and strengthen this system already in place under her predecessor Emmanuelle Cosse.

In place from the first quarter of 2022

The device will be simplified from the first quarter of next year. Concretely, it is a financial aid. To compensate for the efforts of those who agree to rent their property below market prices, owners will benefit from a tax reduction almost equivalent to the lower price which could correspond to nearly two months of net rent. .

An announcement that will certainly not encourage owners to lower rents according to Christophe Demerson, president of the National Union of Property Owners (UNPI).

"The problem is that at the start, we start from a good idea. The mechanism is intelligent, but in reality, it is a gas plant", he declared at the microphone of Romain Desarbres.

"There is no simplification at all, so in reality it is an announcement effect and it is only a gas plant."

"There is no almost equivalent drop"

Emmanuelle Wargon provided some concrete examples.

If you rent your home 30% cheaper than the market price, you will benefit from a 30% tax reduction.

"They don't have the same calculator as the owners at Bercy," says Christophe Demerson.

"There is no almost equivalent drop, we must above all look at what rent we base ourselves on. Private owners have a rent observatory, Clameur, perhaps if we start from this observatory, there will be something to do but in the meantime, we are careful and more than careful because the gifts, the owners do not see them often. "


- Real estate: with the health crisis, rents in large cities are down sharply

Another problem for owners: the difficulty in evicting bad payers.

"People are worried, it is very few people who do not pay, around 1% but the problem is that this percentage poisons the lives of all landlords, everyone is cautious," he said. he concludes.