Better little than nothing is the best that can be said about the compromise that the Union and the SPD entered into on the right to information about the vaccination status of employees.

The Union's wish that as many companies as possible should have access to it during a pandemic is off the table.

The SPD argued, however, that health data had no place in the personnel file.

It has now been agreed that the disclosure requirements only apply to education and care professions.

The attitude of the SPD is understandable, but the higher good of health protection requires exceptions in times of need like these.

It is accepted that guests have to prove their status for an hour in the bar, then this should also be possible for eight hours of working time.

It is absurd that occupational health protection should take into account the vaccination or convalescence status in order to protect colleagues, customers, business partners - but not be allowed to query this data.

Old fronts are opening up here: Union and employers on the one hand, trade union and SPD on the other.

The left wing, which is also ahead in the election campaign, has won in this conflict.

But the protection against infection has lost.