Ten years, an increase of about 10 times, this is the growth expected by the Boston Consulting Group for the global robotics market.

  According to the company's latest research report, the global robotics market will be around US$25 billion in 2020.

The report also predicts that the global robot market will reach 160 billion to 260 billion U.S. dollars in 2030.

  When more and more people use small sweeping robots in their homes, and when more and more shopping malls can see intelligent robots for navigation, the robots that existed in science fiction and science fiction movies in the past have gradually become in reality. Integrate into people's lives.

  In the view of the International Organization for Standardization, a robot refers to a programmable execution device that has a certain degree of autonomy and can move in its environment to perform expected tasks.

  The International Robot Federation divides robots into industrial robots and service robots.

Among them, industrial robots refer to robots used in the production process and environment; service robots refer to various robots used in non-manufacturing industries and serving humans in addition to industrial robots.

  Industrial robots are the first robot products that appeared and were the first to be applied on a large scale.

In 2019 alone, a total of 365,000 sets of industrial robots were added globally, and the installations in Asia accounted for two-thirds of the total installations in the world.

  However, among several types of robots, the Boston Consulting Group report is particularly optimistic about the development of service robots.

  As an emerging field in the robotics industry, service robots are highly integrated with innovative technologies such as intelligence, sensing, networking, and cloud computing, and combined with the new business and new models of the mobile Internet, they provide important means for promoting intelligent life and promoting industrial transformation. Breakthrough.

  The Boston Consulting Group reports that by 2030, the global market for professional service robots will reach US$90 billion to US$170 billion, far exceeding the US$40 billion to US$50 billion market for traditional industrial robots and collaborative robots.

  Taking the Chinese market as an example, relevant data also confirms this judgment of Boston Consulting Group.

  According to a report released by CCID Consulting in May this year, the demand for China's service robot market will increase exponentially in 2020. The market size will reach 28.38 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 37.4%. The scale of investment and financing in the market will increase by 344% in 2020. .

  How will the robot market change in the next ten years?

Based on technology maturity and demand analysis, Boston Consulting Group believes that the global robot market will have three development possibilities.

  First, the market’s individualized demand for robots continues to increase, but it is relatively difficult to develop robots that can achieve large-scale applications in different scenarios.

This will force the market to design more targeted robots, which also means that the initial price of such robots will be high.

  Second, there are also robots in some areas that can become standardized automatic equipment.

In this case, several robots that are easy to install, debug and integrate will lead the market.

  For example, there are robot couriers, robot assemblers, or robots that charge electric cars.

Generally speaking, the development and production of such standardized robots will not be very complicated.

  Third, humans may make breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and other aspects in the next ten years, and a series of intelligent modules that can analyze complex and dynamic scenarios will emerge.

In this case, the robot supporting software will be a key factor for success.

  In various fields such as industry and service industry, human beings are ushering in a new stage of "coordinated" development with robots.

Will there be robots like Doraemon and Astro Boy to accompany you in the future?

There is still no answer today.

But the childhood dreams of countless people are approaching realization in reality.

  Author: Dong Pei