Abu Dhabi exempts those coming from certain countries from the isolation period, according to the updated "green list"

The Department of Culture and Tourism in Abu Dhabi unveiled an updated "Green List" for travelers coming to Abu Dhabi. Passengers coming from the countries on this list will be exempt from the compulsory isolation period when they visit Abu Dhabi, and they will only be required to take a "BCR" test upon arrival at the airport. Abu Dhabi International.

The department stated in a statement today that the countries and territories included in the list will be updated routinely based on the global developments of the "Covid-19" pandemic.

She added that the names of countries that comply with strict security and health standards are included in order to protect the local community, explaining that the list procedures apply to the countries of origin from which visitors travel, not just nationality.

The following is the updated green list on May 23, 2021: Azerbaijan, Spain, Australia, Israel, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, China, Germany, Morocco, United Kingdom, United States ,, Japan, Uzbekistan, Iceland, Brunei, Bhutan, Taiwan (Republic of China) People)

, Greenland, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Cuba, Mauritius, Moldova, New Zealand, Hong Kong (SAR China).

For more information on the Green List, please visit www.visitabudhabi.com.

The Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi will also announce updates to the list on an ongoing basis over the coming months.

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