On the occasion of the holiday on October 12, Correos has launched the "Pride for what is ours" campaign,

to call for the consumption of local products

in support of all the companies and shops that have been open every day since it broke out. the pandemic and supply the Spanish.

This support campaign is carried

out through Correos Market, the online marketing platform for local and artisan products.

It makes available to producers in Spain all the logistics capacity of Correos and its network of more than 2,400 offices distributed throughout the national territory.

The Correos campaign has been baptized as "Pride for what is ours" and

aims to vindicate "the positive values ​​of society in the most difficult moments

and of which we can be proud".

"Values ​​such as effort, talent, commitment or the feeling of community that are shown every day by professionals who in all corners of Spain give their best," says the company in a statement.

The Orgullo por lo Nuestro campaign will have an exterior presence in marquees along the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid, where the parade usually took place on October 12.

A large 38x24 meter canvas will be placed at the confluence of Goya Street with Serrano.

This street marketing campaign will also feature an audiovisual piece that can be seen on digital media and Correos' own channels.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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