Conflicts have arisen with the cooperative side as the contractor of the reconstruction project demands an increase in construction costs.

According to the urban maintenance and construction industry, Samsung C&T, a reconstruction contractor for the 3rd residential area of ​​Banpo Jugong 1, Seocho-gu, Seoul (hereinafter referred to as Banpo 3 Ju-gu), issued a plan to increase the construction cost of 89.93 billion won to the cooperative board of directors on the 5th of last month. Explained.

If this plan is accepted, the construction cost will increase by 11.1% from the contract signed on July 7th (87.7 billion won), and the burden per household will increase by 63.32 million won.

One member of the union pointed out, "It was unprecedented to discuss an increase in construction costs within a month of contracting."

Samsung C&T explained that "at the request of the union, an option for high-end enhancement was presented," and "the final choice is the union's responsibility."

Some members argued that the union executive did not raise enough issues and negotiate with Samsung C&T at the time of the construction contract.

A union official pointed out that "The problem was that the executive department did not show sufficient bargaining power at the time of the construction contract and signed the contract."

Banpo District 3 has recently been notified of KRW 42 million per household as a charge for the reconstruction excess profit redemption system (re-return), so if the construction cost is increased, the opposition from members is expected to increase.

The Banpo 3 Ju-gu reconstruction project is a large-scale construction that demolishes 1,490 apartments in 1109 Seocho-gu, Seoul, and builds 2,91 apartments in 17 buildings with 3 floors below the ground and 35 floors above the ground.

Samsung C&T was selected as a contractor in Banpo 3 weeks at the end of last May after fierce order battles with Daewoo E&C.

It often happens that contractors demand an increase in construction cost after winning orders for reconstruction projects.

Hyundai E&C and HDC Hyundai Industrial Development Consortium, a construction company of Gaepo Jugong 1 (DH Firsteer I-Park), Gangnam-gu, Seoul, which started construction in June last year, raised a construction cost of KRW 1.67 trillion in April. After the increase to KRW, they asked for another increase of KRW 333.4 billion last month.

The initial contract size for Gaepo Jugong 4 Complex (Gaepo Presidency Xi) was KRW 98.9 billion, but GS E&C, the construction company, demanded an increase of KRW 137.8 billion last year, causing conflict with the union.

J&K Urban Improvement Representative Paik Jun said, "There is a need for a system that requires construction contractors to submit construction cost calculations from the time they participate in the bidding." There will be."