(Fighting against New Crown Pneumonia) Gansu and countries along the Silk Road have increased their foreign trade, and agricultural products have become export "black horses"

  China News Agency, Lanzhou, April 21 (Reporter Ding Si) Lanzhou Customs reported on the 21st quarter of Gansu ’s foreign trade import and export situation that Gansu ’s total import and export value to countries along the “Belt and Road” was 3.67 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) ), Accounting for 42.6% of the province ’s total foreign trade value. With the overall decline in exports, "sweet goods" agricultural products became "dark horses" for exports, rising against the trend and increasing by 38.3%.

  Gansu, a traditional agricultural province, has diverse climates, sufficient sunlight, large temperature differences between day and night, less environmental pollution, and high quality agricultural products. At present, it has developed six major industries such as forest fruits, vegetables, Chinese medicinal materials, herbivores, potatoes, and corn seed production.

  According to statistics, in the first quarter of this year, Gansu Province exported 600 million yuan in agricultural products such as vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, edible oil seeds, and beans. During this period, apples produced in Gansu were exported to Mexico for the first time, and small grains were exported to Canada for the first time.

  Since mid-April, on the Gobi beach in Zhangye, Gansu, the new "professional farmer" Li Zijun is looking at the color peppers that will be sold to Russia in a modern smart glass greenhouse.

  "During the epidemic, the company's agricultural products also continued to be sold overseas, with 15 tons of products shipped to Russia every 10 days. With the increase in production, consider selling organic tomatoes and other agricultural products to overseas." Li Zijun accepted a reporter from China News Agency on the 21st The interview said.

  "Since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, the downward pressure on foreign trade has increased." Huang Zhiheng, deputy director of the second division of the comprehensive business of Lanzhou Customs, said on the 21st that in this regard, Gansu fully promoted the online booking customs clearance online processing platform, set up a special window for agricultural products, as seeds Such qualified agricultural products have opened channels for customs clearance, and provided services such as visa and certificate mailing in other places in the province, and reduced the time limit for preparing and issuing inspection and quarantine certificates for exported agricultural products by 50%.

  As of the end of 2019, Gansu foreign trade enterprises have set up 12 overseas business representative offices and 111 international marketing service outlets, and built 5 public platforms for international marketing services, mainly distributed in the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. Country and region.

  Gansu officials also support and assist enterprises to develop a diversified international market, and guide and assist 8 packaging plants and 11 orchards to obtain export qualifications to Australia and Mexico, respectively. (Finish)