China News Service, April 20th. In response to the abnormal display of market conditions in some cross-market indexes on the morning of the 20th, the SSE's WeChat public account issued an announcement saying that it had paid attention to the relevant situation in the first place and the abnormal situation occurred. apologize.

  According to the announcement, the Shanghai Stock Exchange immediately initiated the emergency response plan after finding the abnormal situation, and worked with China Securities Index Co., Ltd. to find the cause of the abnormality, and will resume the normal display of the relevant index market as soon as possible. At the same time, continue to monitor the market transactions to ensure normal market transactions.

  The announcement said that after consulting and understanding with various market institutions, the current stocks, bonds, funds, ETF options and other products involving the Exchange and ETF redemption have not been affected. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange and China Financial Futures Exchange are trading normally.

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat public account of the Shanghai Stock Exchange