Xinhua News Agency, Paris, April 19 (Reporter Xu Yongchun) French Prime Minister Philippe said on the 19th that France will face the worst economic recession since 1945 this year, and the economy is expected to decline by 8%.

  Philip said at a news conference that day, the French economy is expected to decline by 8% this year, which means that the national wealth will shrink. "This is unprecedented and will have a major impact."

  Philip said that during the “foot ban”, France ’s overall economic activity fell by 36%, of which industry and construction fell by 43% and 88%, respectively, and the catering and hotel industries were almost completely stagnant.

  He said that France has adopted large-scale economic assistance measures. As of now, the number of “partially unemployed” in France is as high as 9 million, and the government has provided about 24 billion euros in “partially unemployed” subsidies for this purpose. The government also provides loans guaranteed by the state to about 130,000 companies, with a total loan amount of up to 300 billion euros.

  Philip said that the French parliament will discuss measures that may be taken after May 11. Kindergarten and primary and secondary school classes will be resumed step by step, not all schools will start on May 11. In addition, from May 11th, you must wear a mask when taking public transportation. He also warned that it is unreasonable to travel abroad during this summer vacation.

  France has implemented a “foot ban” from March 17th, asking the public to “minimize” travel and avoid contact with the outside world, and extended the “foot ban” on April 27th to April 15th. French President Emmanuel Macron said on April 13 that the "foot prohibition order" for the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic will be extended to May 11. After that, France will adjust some prevention and control measures.