Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client, March 24th. On the 24th, the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets rebounded in the afternoon. The Shanghai Index stood on the 5th line. The stocks rebounded across the board. The daily limit was close to 90. Gold, food processing, automotive, data center and other sectors. Take turns active.

Source: Wind

As of the close of trading, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 2722.44 points, an increase of 2.34%, and the transaction volume was 278.99 billion yuan; the Shenzhen Component Index reported 9921.68 points, an increase of 2.37%, and the transaction volume was 433.529 billion yuan;

The industry sector became popular across the board, with food and beverages, insurance, brewing, nonferrous metals, and software services increasing significantly.

Food and beverages rose by 3.81%, and individual stocks rose on a daily basis. Seven stocks such as Jinzi Ham, Gui Faxiang, and Fuling mustard had daily limits. Miao Kelan rose more than 9%, Huangshanghuang and Qiaqia Food rose more than 7%.

In the concept sector, only UHV and anti-flu fell; gold concepts, luxury goods, data centers, and cloud computing rose the most.

The concept of gold rose more than 6%, leading the concept sector. Among them, the daily limit of 7 stocks including Oriental Jinyu and Zhongrun Resources, Hengbang shares rose more than 9%, and Western Gold, Lao Fengxiang and Zijin Mining followed suit.

Overall, 3261 stocks in the two cities rose, of which 150 stocks such as Saiwei Smart, Yuebo Power, and Boteng rose more than 5%. 489 stocks fell, of which 70 stocks such as Dahao Technology, Karen shares, Shenma Power fell more than 5%. In terms of turnover rate, a total of 49 stocks have a turnover rate of more than 20%, of which Wanma Technology has the highest turnover rate, reaching 87.76%.

The Southwest Securities Research Report believes that the current US stock crisis is indeed continuously fermenting, but the impact on A shares is still relatively small. At the same time, the extremely loose policy of the Federal Reserve has also left a foundation for China's domestic policy intervention. If A-shares can remain stable in continuous shocks, they will further consolidate their positions in important global markets. At present, investors can pay attention to the leading targets of consumption, policy stimulus and public utilities.

Zhongyuan Securities stated that due to China's good epidemic prevention and control, the overall economic stability must be significantly better than abroad, which supports the A-share market with a large proportion of traditional industrial industries, and the continuation of reasonable and abundant liquidity, although Constrained by overseas bear market linkages, overall A-shares are more resilient.

Industrial Securities analyzed that for A shares, the domestic economic operation and fundamentals are still the main focus. The domestic victory in prevention and control has been phased out. The situation of resumption of work has obviously improved, and the economy has gradually improved. The short-term emotional disturbance of the market will cause the market to fluctuate and twist, but the medium and long-term fundamentals, A-share price-performance ratio, accelerated opening and reform are beneficial to the market, and focus on the brighter internal structural highlights. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

(The opinions in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Investment is risky and you must be cautious when entering the market.)