China News Network Haikou, March 23 (Reporter Wang Ziqian) The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province introduced on the 23rd that in order to further strengthen the main responsibility for the quality and safety of edible agricultural product producers and operators, efforts have been made to strictly control food safety from the source of planting and breeding. A trial certificate system for edible agricultural products has been launched throughout the province. It is planned that all the fruits, vegetables, and vegetables that have been exported to the island before the end of this year will be issued using the certificate.

According to the Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, the trial implementation of the “Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the Hainan Province's Pilot Certificate System for Edible Agricultural Products” was issued on the 18th. , Encourage small farmers to participate in trials. The categories tested were: vegetables, fruits, livestock and poultry products (except raw milk and pigs) and farmed aquatic products.

The key requirements of agricultural product certification are to fulfill the "four promises": namely, no use of restricted agricultural and veterinary drugs; no use of illegal additives; compliance with pesticide safety intervals and veterinary drug withdrawal periods; and edible agricultural products sold in compliance with pesticide and veterinary drug residue food safety countries standard.

The trial certificate requires "three unifications", that is, unified basic style, unified trial category, unified supervision and management, and general inspection and generalization across the country. The content includes the name, quantity (weight) of edible agricultural products, origin, producer, origin purchaser, slaughterhouse (site) information (name, origin, contact information), date of issuance and commitment statement. The size, size and material of the certificate shall be determined by the main body of production and operation. The production and operation entities can further improve the certification information, such as brand names and anti-counterfeiting logos, according to their own needs. Certificates of conformity are issued in duplicate, one is issued to the transaction object, and one is retained for one year for inspection.

Trials require packaged edible agricultural products to be opened in packaging units, posted or hung or printed on the surface of packaging materials. Bulk edible agricultural products (including Dejima agricultural products) are based on transport vehicles or purchased batches. One vehicle, one license, or one batch of one certificate are attached to the same vehicle or batch. Encourage small retail farmers who support the production of edible agricultural products to issue certificates of qualification when conducting transactions. If small retail agricultural products are purchased and listed by the acquirer, they must issue a certificate of conformity. The issuer is the purchaser of the place of origin. The method of issuance is the same as that of the production entity.

The plan is clear. It is planned that by the end of 2020, all fruits, vegetables and fruits in Hainan Island will be issued with certificates of conformity. The snails in aquatic products will be basically covered by the certificate before June 2020. 2. The certificate of use for golden mullet and seedlings is basically covered. Livestock and poultry products are preferentially selected for use with large-scale farms. The certificates of use for live poultry and eggs are gradually expanded to livestock and poultry products such as cattle and sheep. Achieve full coverage of the main body of the trial, try it out and improve it, and strive to achieve significant results in 3 years.

The Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will, in accordance with statutory duties, increase the supervision and sampling of agricultural products to prevent unqualified agricultural products from entering the market with false certificates. Subjects that falsely issue certificates of qualification will be included in agricultural product quality and safety credit management, joint punishment will be implemented, and suspected crimes will be transferred to judicial authorities. (Finish)