Invited Monday morning of Europe 1, Nicolas Dufourcq, the president of the Public Investment Bank, returned to the establishment of a state guarantee for business loans, a new measure intended to support companies during the coronavirus crisis.


The draft state of health emergency voted by the Parliament on the night of Friday to Saturday, in reaction to the epidemic started by the new coronavirus, includes many financial measures intended to support the companies brutally shut down by this crisis. In addition to the deferral of charges and the funding of partial unemployment, the elected officials validated the establishment of a state guarantee for loans granted to companies, up to 300 billion euros.

Clearly, companies will be able to take out loans throughout the duration of the crisis to offset their decline in activity. And the State is responsible for their possible defaults of payment. "We are going to be the operator of this gigantic program, completely unprecedented since the Second World War", indicated to the microphone of Europe 1 Monday Nicolas Dufourcq, the president of the Public Investment Bank.

How to take advantage of this device?

Just contact your bank and request it. The entrepreneur will have the choice of a loan spread over one year, two years, three years, four years or five years.

This loan request can also be made to the BPI, which has already received 25,000 calls to this effect. "Last week, we already allocated several hundred million euros in unsecured loans to our customers," notes Nicolas Dufourcq.

What does the absence of warranty mean?

"This means that the banks do not take any guarantee on the assets of the entrepreneur and the company, and that for loans taken out during a period that crosses the crisis", answers Nicolas Dufourcq. Clearly, if a company takes out a loan during the period of the epidemic, the State will be the guarantor. The company therefore does not risk losing assets if it fails to repay its loan.

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How will the loan amount be determined?

"The amount of this loan will be equivalent to the duration of the lost turnover, from one month to three months," explains the boss of the BPI. For example, "we have made since Monday unsecured loans between 10,000 and 30 million euros".


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