China-Singapore Jingwei Client, March 23, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal on March 23, Boeing said it would suspend dividend payments to shareholders. More and more American companies are trying to save cash during the epidemic crisis, and Boeing has joined the ranks.

The report said that Boeing paid a $ 4.6 billion dividend last year. The company is currently seeking at least $ 60 billion in private funding and taxpayer support for itself, its suppliers and the entire aviation industry.

Boeing issued a statement late Friday saying that Chief Executive Officer Karl Horn and Chairman Kellner will forego any pay for the remainder of the year. The company also further extended the stock repurchase moratorium announced last April.

Boeing said the company is mobilizing all resources to maintain operations, support employees and customers, and maintain continuity in the supply chain during New Coronary Pneumonia.

Boeing, the largest U.S. manufacturer, is struggling with an unprecedented global aviation crisis.

The Wall Street Journal previously reported that the new crown pneumonia epidemic caused a sharp drop in passenger numbers, forcing airlines to suspend flights for hundreds of aircraft and discouraging them from purchasing new aircraft. At the same time, Boeing is struggling to overcome the one-year 737 MAX ban.

The crisis has evaporated Boeing's market value by nearly 70% in 2020 and endangered the company's production. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)