The Catalan association Círculo de Economía has broken the current business silence with the forward-looking attitude of the President of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, demanding that he act "with maximum responsibility." It has issued a statement "demanding maximum responsibility from our political institutions, from everyone from local administrations to the European Union. Fighting the virus must now be the only priority. The impact on people and on the economy will depend directly on the speed and effectiveness in controlling the pandemic. "

The statement does not expressly mention Torra, but sources from the board of directors point out to EL MUNDO that it is the main recipient and that it has wanted to launch after the statements of the President of the Generalitat in recent days against the Government. The Circle is chaired by Javier Faus and has among its managers the president of CaixaBank, Jordi Gual , the president of Puig, Marc Puig , or the CEO of Banco Sabadell, Jaume Guardiola .

It also calls for parking sovereignty. "Spain, Catalonia and Barcelona have had too many years of crisis, disagreements and traumatic episodes. Meanwhile, employers and workers have shown great resilience. This country still has many assets to get out of this situation, but it is necessary to do it together, from the democratic discrepancy, but united in the essential and resolutely supporting our productive fabric, our employers and workers. "

The communiqué adds that "it is not a time for reproaches or partisanships. These are days of great agreements. It is time for the best institutional coordination, convinced that, acting at the same time and at all levels, it is the best way to govern this situation so uncertain that we still don't know what it will cost. " However, the Circle clarifies that "unity is not uniformity, it is rowing together".

This influential Catalan association supports the shock plans "of the State as a whole" and stresses that "as essential as the health emergency is to avoid an economic depression that the weakest always end up paying."

The Circle adheres to calls from various European governments, including Spain, for the European Union to act. "We need a stronger and more united Europe. For Europe, it is now or never. We need more Europe at all levels."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain
  • European Union
  • Quim Torra
  • Catalonia
  • Barcelona

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