(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) "Cloud Recruitment" Starts New Model of Wuhan Job Search in Epidemic

China News Service, Wuhan, March 19th: "Cloud Recruitment" opens a new model of job search in Wuhan in the epidemic

China News Agency reporter Zhang Qin

Open your computer, log in to the recruitment website, browse job information and submit your resume ... This is the recent life of Wang Yuan, a recent graduate who lives in Qingshan District, Wuhan.

After graduating from university in 2019, Wang Yuan, who majored in international trade, has never found the right job. He originally planned to continue to apply for a job after the Spring Festival. He was disrupted by the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic. "Fortunately, many companies have launched online recruitment. In the past few days, they have submitted more than a dozen resumes and hope to receive interview notices."

According to public reports, in 2020 Chinese college graduates are expected to reach 8.74 million, a year-on-year increase of 400,000.

At the golden season of recruitment in spring, affected by the epidemic, the on-site recruitment activities in various places were interrupted, and some job seekers in Wuhan who were still "stuck" at home felt a little anxious.

An interview with a China News Agency reporter found that many employers have moved recruitment online, and job seekers have sought suitable positions through "cloud recruitment" and other methods.

On the 17th, Wuhan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau organized Lenovo Group, Gaode Infrared, Mingde Biological, Wushang Supermarket and other 900 companies to conduct online job fairs to provide medical, IT, biotechnology, wholesale and retail, food processing, etc. There are more than 100,000 posts, and the highest salary is more than 200,000 yuan.

Li Peigang, a staff member of the Human Resources Bureau of Wuhan Hanyang District, said that since the launch of the online job fair for "Cloud Seeking Friend, Work for You" on March 16, a total of 59 companies have provided 3,938 jobs. Up to now, the recruitment page of Hubei Public Recruitment Network has hit 38,400 person-times, and job applicants have submitted resumes and telephone consultations for more than 500 people.

"After submitting resumes online, employers will be screened and interviewed through video." Li Peigang said that in order to promote recruitment information for enterprises, the district also released "One Enterprise per Day" enterprises through social platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou. Promotional video, where the person in charge of the personnel department of the recruiting company introduces the company's background and employment needs.

In order to guide fresh graduates to "successfully graduate and get employed early," Huazhong University of Science and Technology has launched a talent exchange group, inviting units and faculty counselors to join, one-on-one precise matching of recruitment needs, and through "air dual election meeting" and other methods Graduates provide recruitment information and application channels.

Wuhan's housekeeping industry is also currently facing a large employment gap. He Hongli, who works as a housekeeping agent, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency that Wuhan's housekeeping industry is currently trying a new interview mode to build an online communication platform for customers and candidates.

"In the past, it was" looking at the eye ", and now effective dialogue is more important." He Hongli said that before the video interview, the company will train domestic helpers in grooming, talking and manners. The three parties completed the video interview and waited for the agreement. Only after the epidemic situation is over and a health certificate is issued can the official post be arranged.

Pan Helin, Executive Dean of the Institute of Digital Economy, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said in an interview that although the "cloud recruitment" under the epidemic was an emergency measure, its positive effects cannot be underestimated. He suggested that in order to avoid the blind movement of out-of-service laborers, relevant departments in Hubei can develop a small program for resuming work and resuming production, so that employers can effectively interface with job seekers, and dynamically release information about starting conditions, employment needs, and return requirements in various places to achieve labor output. The land is precisely "point-to-point" docked with the construction site. (Finish)