Background of the stock price drop March 19:53 on March 19

Over the past week, foreign investors have been selling their shares in Japan at a stretch as stock prices have plummeted over concerns of the spread of the new coronavirus. It turned out that it was the biggest "over-sale" for the first time in four years, with sales of 679 billion yen, higher than buying stocks.

Last week, when the world's stock prices fell sharply, the Nikkei Stock Average fell by more than 3,300 yen in a week, recording a record drop in the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

According to a summary of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, last week, overseas investors drove the sale of shares in the Japanese stock market at a stretch, and the amount sold was more than 69.3 billion yen over the amount bought, a significant `` oversold '' Had become

Overseas investors have been netting for the fifth consecutive week, but last week it was more than 1.1 trillion yen, the highest level since the beginning of March 2016, four years ago.

On the other hand, last week, domestic investors were ¥ 170.8 billion in "over-bought", indicating that "sell" by foreign investors led to a sharp drop in stock prices.

According to a market source, "Overseas investors who are worried about the spread of the new coronavirus infection are looking to keep cash on hand, selling stocks and converting to dollars. Financial markets will continue to fluctuate as long as they do not fit in. "