Peugeot logo, illustration - Thibault Camus / AP / SIPA

The automaker PSA will close in the coming days its production sites in France, starting with that of Mulhouse, according to union sources on Monday.

"The management announced the closure of all its industrial sites in the coming days, starting with that of Mulhouse this afternoon," said Franck Don, CFTC PSA.

51,000 employees in France

"The other industrial sites will follow," said Christine Virassamy, CFDT central delegate at PSA, referring to the "wind of panic which is shaking employees" in the face of the coronavirus epidemic in France.

"All of the PSA factories in France will be shutdown tomorrow evening," said Jean-Pierre Mercier of the CGT. "This is a lot of lost time for the fight against the coronavirus and its spread, and to defend the health of the employees", he regretted, judging that "the management should have made this decision much sooner".

According to Franck Don of the CFTC, "telework on tertiary sites will be widespread". PSA Automobiles employs 51,000 people in France.


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  • Psa
  • Economy
  • Coronavirus
  • Car