▲ Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries disinfecting officials of the Sejong Government Complex

As the number of self-contained quarantines exceeds 50,000 due to the prolonged corona 19 incident, attention is focused on how to disinfect at home to prevent family infection in the event of a patient.

According to the quarantine authorities, there were over 53,000 people who were self-contained by contact with corona19 confirmers from January to the 12th of this month.

The number of self-isolators, who once exceeded 30,000, decreased to 13,000 as of 6:00 pm on the 13th as the number of self-isolators related to Shinchonji Shrine decreased.

According to the guidelines of the Central Quarantine Countermeasures Headquarters, households where patients live should repeatedly disinfect the floor using household lacquer (sodium hypochlorite), and wipe all frequently used areas and bathroom surfaces.

Specifically, the floor must be disinfected repeatedly from one end of the disinfection zone to the other.

Handles, armrests, desks, chairs, keyboards, mice, switches, blinds, windows, walls, etc., should be cleaned using a disinfectant cloth.

If the test result is positive, bed sheets, pillow covers, blankets, etc. can be washed in hot water with detergent or disinfectant in the washing machine.

When spraying disinfectants with a spray, etc., it is not recommended to use aerosols, which can spread the virus.

When disinfecting your home, it's a good idea to empty it, and the time you can get back into it depends on the disinfectant and the ventilation method.

If you use Lax, it is recommended that the quarantine authorities ventilate until the next day of disinfection and use it two days after disinfection, taking into account the smell and risk.

(Photo = Yonhap News)