Recently, the heads of many foreign companies in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone expressed no concern about the impact of the epidemic. When it comes to resuming work, they have expressed confidence. Soenke Zorning, vice president of Bayer Healthcare Co., Ltd., said that they have fully done the required response and are doing everything in their power to protect the working environment of employees. He also stated that production was resumed during the Spring Festival.

Kazziet Ooi, general manager of Vixen United Semiconductor (Beijing) Co., Ltd., said that China has the world's top epidemic prevention measures and epidemic prevention has reached a very high level.

Uwe Sass, general manager of Eberh Automotive Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., said that he believes China's epidemic prevention policy is very effective and he feels safe in China. He also said that most European countries should come to learn. (Yi Xiao and editor Li Jiali)

Editor-in-chief: [Li Yuxin]