China News Agency, Lanzhou, March 7 (Reporter Cui Lin) Whether it is an "old mother" who has finished Liangpi and steamed cakes, or a female white-collar worker in the workplace who "clouds fitness" and practices beauty skills to prepare for rework, also Or "entertainment" new women who practice calligraphy and play games have allowed women in homes blocked by the epidemic to unlock new skills, promoting the "pleasant self-consumption", and "focusing on self" has become a new trend for women in mainland China .

The picture shows the public wearing a mask to buy lipstick. Photo by Luo Yunfei

Under the epidemic, Li Wenzhai, a teacher who works in a kindergarten in Lanzhou, has purchased health cookers, quick-drying yoga clothes, baked ingredients, bird's nest, facial masks and other commodities for himself and his mother on the Internet. She said, "The holidays are extended and free time is increased. Although I ca n’t go out, my life still has to continue. I plan to not only go out and cook, but also follow the house skin care sports guidelines, and look forward to becoming a delicate girl."

Not only that, with the arrival of "March 8th" Women's Day, reporters visited on the streets of Lanzhou and saw that many large-scale shopping malls that have resumed business have launched promotional activities. At the skincare shelf counters, women in masks meet friends Consulting the latest eye makeup products, beauty has a strong appeal to women.

A few days ago, the major flower markets in Lanzhou, in the northwest of China, organized flower companies to resume work in an orderly manner on the basis of good epidemic prevention and control. Among the lush greenery and flowers, many women choose to buy them as gifts for themselves or their families.

On the 6th, the "2020 Women's Consumption Trend Report" released by Jingdong Big Data Research Institute pointed out that the epidemic-related consumption has been concentrated in the short term. When forced to stay at home, female consumers pay attention to family epidemic prevention while Consumption for baby beauty and health management has grown strongly.

In recent years, women have presented comprehensive and refined shopping for themselves, their families, and their babies. They are more inclined to actively control their health and prevent problems before they occur. The report shows that the year-on-year increase in health consumption turnover was antioxidant, pedometer, fat detector, muscle powder, fatigue relief and probiotics.

The report also showed that chess, card, mahjong and calligraphy products grew by 70% and 54% respectively; women's turnover in body care and facial care products increased by 117% and 66% year-on-year. Among them, women in Gansu, Guangdong, Qinghai and other places consume more personal care products, and the proportion of women aged 46 to 55 has increased by 33.8%.

"As women, we used to take care of our families more, mainly 'pleasant people'. Now that the times have evolved, we have more pursuit of good ideas, and we pay more attention to living for our own pleasure. This is how the flower economy has quietly emerged. "Ling Ting, a female flower shop owner in Lanzhou, said that as" March 8 "approaches, her business has gradually improved, and occasionally flower arrangements are packed into the evening.

"Every day is a great start." In the epidemic, Li Ting sent customers flowers without forgetting to attach a warm greeting card, she said, "Masks and disinfectants may be the most worthwhile shopping for everyone in 2020. List, but adding a touch of bright flowers to the dull epidemic has also become the most memorable consumer experience this year. "

Zhou Zhiling, president of the Women's and Children's Psychological Counseling Association of Gansu Province and a national second-level psychological counselor, believes that from the above consumption concepts, we can see that the gender equality advocated by China has made good progress. Whether it is urban, rural, or middle-aged or elderly women, their consciousness of self-reliance, self-reliance, and self-confidence is gradually increasing, and they know how to let themselves grow and bloom. In addition, women pay attention to stockpile and watch the family, which can release the energy of sunshine and optimism and become a role model for children. (Finish)