According to a recent survey, the French are ready to allocate more than € 5,000 to carry out an important project in 2020. - IStock / City Presse

Uncertainties about the future, unemployment, reforms or even the increase in the price of electricity and motorway tariffs may weigh on the purchasing power of households, this does not prevent them from dreaming. At the start of the year, the French showed renewed optimism, according to a survey published by Cofidis *.

According to this survey, more than one in two individuals plans to carry out projects requiring a large budget in 2020, while more than a third intends to carry out several projects. At the top of the list, the respondents want to improve their living environment (39%) by renovating their accommodation, changing the decoration or buying furniture. Travel is also favored at 31%, while a quarter of households plan to buy capital goods (25%) and 22% want to change their car.

Plan your financing

And the French do not skimp on the means. This year, the average envelope allocated to each project amounts to 5,186 euros according to the same survey, i.e. a budget revised very much upwards from the 3,775 euros forecast in 2019.

To this end, consumers are particularly provident: 83% of those questioned declare that they tend to plan this financing. The best method is to set aside money regularly and then use your personal savings (39%). Almost a third of those surveyed also plan to use their budget dedicated to current expenses, while 20% use consumer credit.

* Study conducted by CSA Research for Cofidis France, carried out from December 30, 2019 to January 2, 2020 by self-administered questionnaire with a representative sample of 1,000 French people aged 18 and over.


Insee: French growth slightly revised upward to 1.3% for 2019


Household morale remained stable in February, according to INSEE

  • Car
  • Households
  • Economy
  • Housing
  • Survey
  • Budget