Passengers can choose seats in advance on most airlines for an additional fee, as many travelers prefer to relax with additional foot space, or sit beside friends and family, while others prefer front seats to allow them to leave the plane early, or seats adjacent to the window.

Airlines indicated that the reservation of these seats is subject to many conditions that we draw attention to, indicating that all fees paid are usually non-refundable, and travelers who change, cancel, upgrade or downgrade are not entitled to apply for a refund of fees paid to reserve and choose Seats in advance.

The companies indicated that the choice of seats is subject to their availability at the time of request, pointing out that it is possible to request for seats reserved for travelers with infants for free. She added that children who travel alone (young travelers without an escort) are not eligible to choose seats in advance, while passengers who have not obtained their pre-selected seats as a result of involuntary change are allowed to apply for a refund of the fees paid to reserve and pre-select seats.

The companies pointed out that some seats are subject to restrictions during selection, for example, the seats for the emergency exits row are located either near or behind the exits, so passengers from the emergency exits row are expected to cooperate in the event of evacuating other travelers in the event of facing any unexpected emergency.