70% of companies drop sales in February Impact of new coronavirus March 5 17:06

In a private survey asking about the effects of the spread of the new coronavirus, about 70% of companies reported February sales decreased from last year.

This survey was conducted by a private credit research firm, Tokyo Shoko Research, from February 2 to 4, and received responses from over 10,400 large and small businesses.

According to the survey, 9872 companies answered that the effects of the spread of the new coronavirus on corporate activities were "already affected" and "may be affected in the future". 94%.

When asked about "already affected" companies about last month's sales, 67% of the approximately 3,000 respondents said they had declined since the same time last year.

In particular, the number of companies whose sales have fallen to less than half last year has increased to 85 companies, mainly small and medium-sized companies, indicating that the impact on business performance has been serious.

According to the company that surveyed, "The impact on corporate activities is increasing in March due to the self-restraint of events, etc. There is a concern that bankruptcy, holidays and closures will increase."