China News Network Zhoukou, March 3 (Reporter Liu Peng, correspondent Song Feng) The Central Plains Port City Zhoukou Center Port, which is known as the “Yugo Outlet”, resumed full speed recently. Officials have introduced a special fund award policy here with a view to vigorously supporting the development of container shipping routes and escorting the water transport market all the way.

Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Zhoukou Central Port, the largest inland river port in inland Henan province, calmed down for a number of days before reproducing the busy scene. On February 28, after the container terminal intensively transferred and loaded the ship, a container cargo ship loaded with 44 boxes of wheat, flour and other materials sailed from here and headed south to Guangdong.

This is the first batch of protective materials issued by Zhoukou Central Port since the resumption of work and production after the year. The shipment was shipped to Foshan, thousands of miles away, to supply a well-known food company as a raw material.

The person in charge of a noodle company in Xihua County, the supplier, told reporters that after a comprehensive comparison of traditional transportation methods in terms of volume and freight rate, they chose a more efficient container waterway transportation. Right now, with a steady stream of orders, they will continue to load from the wharf and ship materials to production companies by water.

According to Duan Chuan, the person in charge of Zhoukou Central Port Terminal Operation Office, the large amount of cargo carried this time has achieved a "boom" for Zhoukou Port, the carrier, and the supply and demand side. Duan Legend said that in order to ensure the supply of materials for downstream production enterprises, the container business of Zhoukou Central Port Terminal will be loaded as soon as possible, and it will be packed and shipped as soon as possible when it arrives at the port.

Cargo ship loaded with containers departs from port

During the visit, the reporter learned that, in fact, the heavy traffic was not the biggest highlight of the voyage. In order to encourage the development of container shipping business, Zhoukou officials have previously introduced a special fund incentive policy, which makes the significance of navigation far-reaching.

Taking the operator as an example, according to the provisions of the document, each container (including heavy empty container) for each round trip voyage from Zhoukou Central Port to Huai'an Port will be awarded a reward of 275 yuan. If the number of domestic and foreign container import and export containers carried on this route reaches 6,000 boxes, a one-time reward of 500,000 yuan can be awarded on the basis of the original award.

In this way, regardless of whether it is a transportation company, a port operation company, or a cargo company, any container business can be rewarded according to the detailed rules.

"This is the practice of the waterborne container shipping industry. When the port container business was just started, the volume of traffic was low, which would cause losses to the transportation companies. In order to ensure the continued operation of the airlines, local governments often issued corresponding financial incentives to help companies. Turning losses into profits, eventually forming a good development situation. "Duan legend introduced to reporters.

The introduction of the incentive policy has also been long-awaited by route operators. Jiang Wei, deputy general manager of Huai'an Huaihe Container Logistics Project Department, told reporters that the introduction of the fund bonus policy is very necessary for the early development of local container water transportation business. With the implementation of the policy, more transportation companies will be encouraged to participate In the shipping container business, this also played a very favorable role in promoting Zhoukou's shipping development.

It is known that since February 17th, Zhoukou Central Port has officially resumed operations. In order to serve logistics companies and materials suppliers and demanders well, Zhoukou Central Port launched an emergency plan, requiring all management personnel to take up posts, open green channels, set up special terminals for the prevention and control of material transportation, and help transportation companies apply for emergency transportation vehicle passes, etc. Resumption of work and production should be done carefully.

With the resumption of operation of the port terminal, in the past few days, a number of freighters moored in an orderly manner in the harbor, and trucks shuttled between them to load cargo. And the raw materials and supplies that were previously stopped and suspended are being uninterruptedly shipped. Some logistics fleets have increased their horsepower and dispatched double transportation vehicles every day in an effort to keep up with the planned progress ...

"After the resumed operation, the Zhoukou Central Port terminal is operating at full speed. At present, the daily freight volume reaches 5,000 to 6,000 tons." Duan Legend said that while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, they will go all out to provide material transportation guarantee for enterprise production.

Zhoukou, a city in eastern Henan that is thriving by water, does not border or border the sea, but has a long shipping history. The Shaying River waterway passing through it is an important part of the "one vertical" in the "two horizontal, one vertical, two networks, and eighteen lines" of the national planned main waterway. Zhoukou Port is also an important support for the Central Plains urban agglomeration to connect the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the “Belt and Road” and integrate into the Yangtze River Delta. It is also an important transportation hub in Henan Province that connects the river and the sea.

On June 6, 2019, the container line of Zhoukou Central Port was officially launched. Since then, the cargo can be transferred to trunk ports such as Shanghai Port, Nanjing Port, Yangzhou Port, Lianyungang Port, etc. via Huai'an Port to realize river-sea transportation, seamless docking, and eventually distribution to all parts of the world.

The sparkling sandy river bank, Zhoukou Central Port, which sailed at full speed, started its busy again. (Finish)