China News Service, March 3. According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, domestic refined oil prices will not be adjusted on March 3.

Data Map: Gas Station. Photo by Zhang Bin, China News Agency

According to the NDRC, since the domestic refined oil price adjustment on February 18, 2020, international oil prices have risen and fallen. According to the current domestic refined oil price mechanism, the average price of the first 10 working days on March 3 was the same as that of February. Compared with the average price of 10 working days before the 18th, the price adjustment amount is less than 50 yuan per ton. According to Article 7 of the "Administrative Measures on Petroleum Prices", the gasoline and diesel prices are not adjusted this time, and the unadjusted amounts are included in the next price adjustment and accumulated or offset.

The National Development and Reform Commission stated that the three major companies, PetroChina, Sinopec and CNOOC, should organize the production and transportation of refined oil products, ensure stable supply in the market, and strictly implement national price policies. Relevant departments in various places should increase market supervision and inspection efforts, severely investigate and punish acts that do not implement national price policies, and maintain normal market order. Consumers can report price violations through the 12315 platform.

The Development and Reform Commission is closely tracking the operation of the pricing mechanism for refined oil products, and is further studying and improving it in light of changes in the domestic and international oil market conditions.