Is employee sharing an expedient or the beginning of change

On February 24, a courier was driving next to Guanggu Square in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Can “shared employees” change from holding a group in a special period to a normal employment pattern? During the interview, relevant persons in charge of different companies expressed different views.

An epidemic caught Henan guy Zhang Kai by surprise. With fewer and fewer deposits, and resumption of work, he can't sit still as a real estate salesman.

Fortunately, the opportunity came quickly. On February 9, Zhang Kai saw a recruitment message from Suning Logistics in the circle of friends. Under the characters of “Talent Sharing Plan”, the positions of sorting, packaging, community rider, express delivery and other positions in the warehouse are listed, and it is noted that “Talent Sharing” adopts the flexible working principle. After registration, it will be based on the residence address and individual Intended to be assigned nearby, short-term employment, and can return to the original job at any time after the epidemic is over.

After Zhang Kai filled out the form. On the same day, the human resources department of Suning Logistics contacted him. Two days later, he successfully joined the post, responsible for express delivery in more than 10 neighborhoods.

Recently, many people have become "shared employees" like Zhang Kai. Some small and medium-sized enterprises that are temporarily unable to return to work also take the initiative to export employees in a short-term manpower in a shared mode.

1 + 1 > 2

Retail and catering were the first two industries to "join hands". Hema Xiansheng Supermarket, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, is the earliest company to propose “seconding” awaiting employees to catering companies that are temporarily closed. According to Hu Qiugen, the general manager of Hema's national operations management, due to the impact of the epidemic, consumers' demand for online purchase of people's livelihood products has surged, and many stores are facing employment pressure.

Suning encountered the same "difficulty". The one-hour home delivery service within 3 kilometers of its Carrefour, the order volume increased by more than 300% year-on-year, and the daily increase was also obvious. Orders from Suning Tesco and Suning Stores also achieved rapid growth.

At the same time, a large number of stores in the catering industry went out of business and employees were idle. A set of data reflects this from the side. In the 7-day holiday period of the Spring Festival, the epidemic has caused a loss of about 500 billion yuan to the retail sales of the catering industry.

One party has a "labor shortage" and one has a "return to work difficulty." How can pressure be relieved? Revitalizing the free labor in the catering and other industries has become a cure.

On February 2, Hema contacted the restaurant company, Yunhai Cuisine, and reached a consensus on "shared staff." In order to solve the problem of insufficient transportation capacity, Shanghai Volkswagen also cooperates with Heda Motors in the nationwide employment. The first batch of employees involved in distribution consisted of "gold medal drivers" who had many years of driving experience and were familiar with Shanghai roads. Compared with battery car distribution, one-time car distribution can bring out 2 to 3 times orders.

On February 7th, Suning Logistics launched the "shared employee" program and received more than 3,000 registration forms in just 3 days. As an important pillar of household income, more than 90% of male job seekers are aged 18 to 45. The original occupations include self-employed individuals, salesmen, advertising design, water and electricity maintenance, construction workers, hotel practitioners, catering practitioners, and training teachers.

Before joining the company, Zhang Kai communicated with the staff of Suning's human resources department several times. Only after passing the "checks" through the layers of physical examination, job skills training, and protection standard training, did he enter the job. After joining the company, he should be disinfected regularly, take his body temperature sooner or later, distribute masks and gloves in time, buy special insurance for new crown pneumonia, and eat "Anxin Pill" for him.

In addition, Zhang Kai was impressed by the "contactless delivery" requirement. "It's just trying not to contact the consumer. We give priority to delivering the package to the self-lifting cabinet, or we agree with the consumer to put it at the company's front desk, the doorstep of the company, etc., or even take a few steps on the ground and wait for them to leave after leaving." Zhang Kay feels that this is responsible to both the consumer and the courier.

Chen Na, director of the Yunhai Dish Brand Value Growth Center, also told reporters that during the epidemic, many companies used food delivery staff to take temperature measurements, provide contactless packaging and safety labels. After the epidemic, these will help “safe takeaway” to a new level.

On February 24, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 30-year-old Wang Kai (left) waited for an order in front of a convenience store. At present, almost all of this convenience store's sales are made online.

Sharing employees to foster human resource reform?

The effect of 1 + 1> 2 has made the “shared employee” model quickly popular, extended among many enterprises that have not yet started and resumed work, and has received support from many governments.

At present, in the Hefei Economic Development Zone, hundreds of regulated industrial enterprises have gradually resumed production. Among them, Hefei Haier Industrial Park cooperated with a catering company in Baohe District to test the cross-industry “shared employees”. Two batches of “unemployed” restaurant employees went to the Shanghai refrigerator production line to assist in the assembly of refrigerator door accessories. "Equal pay for equal work" with Haier employees.

Some hotel staff members said, "It is very exciting to complete the 'role change', and it is not as tiring as I thought.

The head of the Human Resources Center of Hefei Economic Development Zone said that this flexible employment mode, which effectively shares the company's labor costs, protects the basic income of employees, and alleviates temporary shortages, is being recognized by more and more companies, and will also be in other types in the jurisdiction. Promotion in enterprises.

Some people in the industry also believe that "shared employees" will be the beginning of a huge change in the field of human resources.

Ke Gendong, senior manager of human resources in Haier East China, expressed his emotions and found that many people had a new understanding of traditional manufacturing through exchanges with “shared employees”. He confessed that in recent years, the supply and demand of the human resources market has changed. To achieve the precise matching of the needs of employment companies and job seekers, it is necessary to break the misunderstanding of the public about some jobs. The "shared employee" model is an effective channel and method . The management process of new employees by enterprise managers is also a process of cross-industry communication, which can generate new knowledge and help understand new work scenarios and future industrial development directions.

Can “shared employees” change from holding a group in a special period to a normal employment pattern? During the interview, relevant persons in charge of different companies expressed different views.

Hu Qiugen believes that the "shared employee" model is not a new type of employment relationship, but a temporary transitional measure. At present, with the resumption of work, the employees of the cooperative companies have returned to the company one by one. Hema opened 30,000 positions across the country on February 12, and 6,000 new employees joined within a week.

The head of Suning's relevant department said that in the future, especially for certain seasonal and staged positions or talent needs, the company does not rule out or even increase the implementation of the "talent sharing" plan, "compared to the original temporary The method of employee recruitment, the 'shared employee' mechanism is perfect and the efficiency is higher. It is an innovation and breakthrough in the employment method, and it may have greater development potential in the future. "

On February 24, in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, a delivery person scanned the code and paid for the goods at the store. It is understood that since the strict closure and control of residential quarters was implemented in Wuhan, the city's supermarket stores have been required not to sell individuals. The "courier brother" has become a "power" for connecting residents in these places. They can be seen in pharmacies and supermarkets. China Youth Daily · China Youth Daily reporter Zhao Di / photo

How to define the labor relationship during "sharing"

An industry insider analyzed that the reason why "shared employees" are difficult to normalize is mainly due to the limited stop loss of this model, and most of the participants can only engage in short-term, simple positions with low quality control risks. At the same time, we must also consider legal issues such as rights and obligations related to temporary labor relations.

To this end, he suggested that relevant departments should clear the sharing boundary, and according to the actual situation, formulate relevant operating standards or corresponding review processes and approval procedures to guide the enterprise to carry out this employment mode in an orderly, safe and normal manner. In addition, further standardize and improve from the system level, and clarify the nature of shared employment, applicable conditions, and responsibilities.

"As an employee, we must clarify the labor relationship, the nature of work, salary calculation, social security payment, and liability for personal injury in the period of 'sharing', which are closely related to their own rights and obligations to avoid disputes in the future." Anhui Huishang Lawyer Hu Yaliu advised individuals who wanted to try to “share employees”.

In addition, if the employers need to reach an agreement with the employees themselves, it is recommended that the employers should also clarify their legal relationship with the employees in the agreement, and pay attention to preventing the employment risks that are identified as labor relationships.

She also said that relevant departments have also considered that the "shared" employment model may bring hidden dangers to the protection of workers' rights and interests. Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has proposed from the perspective of protecting the rights and interests of workers that the original labor relations of workers should not be changed, and employees should not be lent for profit for the purpose of protecting workers' wages, social insurance, and labor protection.

She reminded that Article 66 of the Labor Contract Law stipulates that labor contract employment is the basic form of employment in China's enterprises. Labor dispatch is a supplementary form and can only be implemented on temporary, auxiliary or alternative jobs. If the original employer is allowed to make a profit or make labor dispatch to a company that lacks work, it may lead to the normalization of labor dispatch, and it is also easy to breed illegal labor dispatch between enterprises, such as dividing the continuous employment period into several short-term labor dispatch agreements. Wait.

However, the "shared staff" model during the epidemic is still an opportunity, forcing companies to make more explorations in flexible employment. Ke Gendong appealed that he hoped that relevant departments could introduce detailed rules or build a platform in the future to promote more systematic, standardized, platformized, and standardized work related to "shared employees". "In this way, enterprises have more confidence to try and innovate."

China Youth Daily · China Youth Daily Wang Hao Wei Qimeng reporter Wang Haihan Source: China Youth Daily