Jean-Philippe Imparato, CEO of Peugeot, entrusts Europe 1 with the automaker's strategy to face the global epidemic of coronavirus. In China, production is stopped until March 12 at least. For the boss, the priority remains the protection of employees.


As the coronavirus spreads worldwide, the economy is suffering the brunt of the consequences of an epidemic. Jean-Philippe Imparato, CEO of Peugeot, entrusts Europe 1 with the automaker's strategy. A dedicated crisis unit has been set up, with meeting frequencies every half day, explains the boss. "China is closed until March 12, perhaps," says Jean-Philippe Imparato. "The first concern we have is to protect employees: those sent to China but also our Chinese employees."

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The fate of repatriated employees

The priority for the firm according to the director general of Peugeot: the protection of employees. But also free choice for those who were repatriated at the start of the Covid-19 epidemic. "They will have to decide, we will give them freedom of choice, depending on the situation. We will not take the slightest risk with people and they will personally decide if they return," says Jean-Philippe Imparato. The PSA group had repatriated the French working in the Wuhan area in January.

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The automobile industry is very affected by the containment measures in China which led to the cessation of production. The sector is still at 50% of its usual production, before the virus appeared. In China, 5,000 cars were sold in the first fortnight of February compared to 60,000 last year over the same period.

A European battery giant

"With regard to European productions, more specifically outside China, no factory is stopped today. But that is decided by the day," reassures the director-general. "All the logistics, all the parts ordered before the appearance of the coronavirus are being transported and therefore do not impact production. Whenever we can bring back a part or change its sourcing, we do it. It's the work of the day teams. "

Such an international health crisis questions the manufacturing methods. Should the stages of the production of French cars be renationalized? "We need to get our hands vertically on the whole industry," said the director general of Peugeot. "In order of magnitude, a car is roughly between 3,000 and 4,000 pieces, and 300 pieces come from China." While the brand has decided to electrify all of its models from the Peugeot 208, voted car of the year for 2020 in front of Tesla and Porche, Peugeot is arguing for a European battery giant.