Sino-Singapore Jingwei Client March 2nd, how about the national house prices in February? On March 2nd, the “National February Housing Index Report” released by 58 cities in the same city and Anjuke showed that in February 2020, the average price of online new houses in 67 major cities nationwide was 16,624 yuan / ㎡, an increase of 0.17% from the previous month, of which 29 cities House prices rose ; the average online listing price of second-hand housing was 15,503 yuan / m2, up 0.43% month-on-month, and the prices of second-hand housing in 51 cities rose month-on-month.

Picking up room heat

Experts: Lower interest rates will indirectly drive home purchase demand

The report pointed out that with the gradual improvement of the epidemic prevention and control situation in various places, the housing search enthusiasm in the first, second, third and fourth tier cities has rebounded. From the perspective of user behavior index, in February the nationwide housing search fever rose 23.4% month-on-month in January, the first-tier cities rose 21%, the second-tier cities rose 19.4%, and the third- and fourth-tier cities rose 27.3%.

58 Anju Guest House Product Research Institute Branch Zhang Bo analyzed that before and after the Spring Festival, there was a periodical fluctuation in the housing search trend, which generally showed a trend of first suppression and then increase. With the Lingan VR sales office, Lingan VR online and other lines The tools for finding houses are becoming more and more perfect. In mid-February, the enthusiasm of users for finding houses was satisfied, showing a steady rise.

At the same time, in February the central bank also adjusted the loan market quoted interest rate (LPR) quote. Before the LPR interest rate adjustment, MLF had already lowered the interest rate in advance. From the perspective of LPR adjustment, interest rates have been reduced, which has played a positive role in the real economy, especially the financing level, under the influence of the epidemic. At the same time, it has also lowered the level of mortgage interest rates to a certain extent, indirectly stimulating the demand for some homes to enter the market, which has also played a positive role in stabilizing the property market.

Photograph by Xin Jingwei and Xiong Siyi

The average price of new houses in 67 cities rose month-on-month

Sanya's chain up the most

The report shows that in February the average price of new houses in 67 major cities nationwide was 16,624 yuan / ㎡, a 0.17% increase from the previous quarter. In the first-tier cities, the average online price of a new house project in Beijing was 47,818 yuan / m2, followed by Shanghai, with an average new house price of 47,212 yuan / m2, Shenzhen reached 49,874 yuan / m2, and the average online new house price in Guangzhou was 30012 yuan / m2. Ranked fourth.

The cities with an increase in TOP5 of the city's housing prices were Sanya, Hengyang, Zibo, Fuzhou, and Taiyuan , respectively. Among them, Sanya's chain growth was the highest at 8.3%, followed by Hengyang's chain growth by 6.8%.

From the report.

51 city second-hand housing listing prices rose

Beijing Laiguangying and Shanghai Jiuting are on the list for the first time

According to the report data, the average listing price of second-hand houses in 67 major cities nationwide in February was 15,503 yuan / m2, up 0.43% month-on-month. Among them, 51 cities listed second-hand housing prices rose. The average listing price of second-hand housing in Beijing was 58159 yuan / ㎡, followed by Shenzhen and Shanghai, which also exceeded 50,000 yuan / ㎡, which were 55086 / ㎡ and 51130 / ㎡.

The report shows that second-hand housing prices in Yinchuan, Tangshan, Shantou, Dongguan, and Hohhot have increased rapidly, and have become the top 5 of second-hand housing prices in the country. Among them, Yinchuan increased by 2.7%.

From the report.

The report shows that in the first-tier cities, the popular second-hand housing sectors in Beijing and Guangzhou continue to gather in the surrounding suburbs. Beijing Miyun, Beiqijia, Liangxiang, Laiguangying, Yizhuang and other areas, as well as Guangzhou New District, Jinzhou, East of Pearl River New Town, Old District , Xintang and other surrounding areas have a high degree of attention. Lujiazui, Shanghai World Expo, Pujiang Town, Nanqiao and Jiuting are popular in Shanghai's second-hand housing sectors; Shenzhen's Longgang Central City, Xixiang, Overseas Chinese Town, Danzhutou and Phuket are the focus sectors.

In Zhang Bo's view, easing liquidity is the general direction of financial policy in 2020, and the real estate industry can achieve moderate relaxation in 2020 policy. However, there are still three facts to pay attention to. First, LPR continues to cut interest rates, which does not mean that the real estate market will quickly heat up. Second, the introduction of relief policies in various places does not mean that the real estate policy will be greatly relaxed, and the rhythm of control policies will not change greatly due to the epidemic situation. Third, it will not rely on real estate to stimulate the economy, and homeowners' not speculation is still the main tone. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

(The opinions in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Investment is risky and you must be cautious when entering the market.)