17:49 on March 2 at school closure of new coronavirus

Temporary school closures have begun in various places to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, which is affecting food businesses that provide school lunches.

According to the Tokyo School Lunch Association, a public interest incorporated foundation, 21 companies provide noodles for lunch at elementary and junior high schools in Tokyo, and 16 companies provide bread.

Of these, school operators, especially those providing bread, mean that school meals make up all or most of their sales.

Revenues are reduced, but employees need to be paid, which has a major impact on management.

Akihiko Ito, president of the Tokyo School Lunch Association, who also serves as the vice chairman of the National Federation of School Lunch Associations of the nationwide organization, said, "Some businesses have completely lost sales in March. It is expected to have a major impact on management, and I would like to sum up the situation in each region and seek support from the government. "

In the "National School Lunch Association Federation", contains from 2 days to work to investigate the impact of the management of businesses, the reports such as the impact scale for the country to prospect the mid-March, for assistance I'm going to