Brexit: What are the hot spots in the negotiations between the EU and the United Kingdom? - 20 Minutes

  • Negotiations on the post-Brexit agreement start this Monday between the EU and the United Kingdom.
  • The two entities have until December 31, 2020 to agree.
  • Several subjects, such as fishing, could nonetheless cause negotiation to collapse.

The divorce papers are on the table, but the former couple still have a lot of details to settle before they separate. This Monday, the European Union and the United Kingdom will begin a new phase in their tumultuous history, with the start of negotiations on their future post-Brexit trade relationship.

They will have ten months to agree on a new treaty, a relatively short time given the complexity of the task. Throughout this transition period, which will end on December 31, 2020, the United Kingdom will continue to apply European rules.

In Brussels, the Ministers of European Affairs insisted on the extent of the work to be accomplished. “It is a very complicated treaty. It will be a very difficult task, a long road ahead, "warned Dutchman Stef Blok last week. The United Kingdom and the EU have very divergent opinions on many crucial points, to the point that the British are already threatening to leave the negotiating table as early as June if the talks do not move forward fast enough.


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  • Brussels
  • Peach
  • Economy
  • EU
  • UK
  • Brexit