(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) Tibet Linzhi donates 34 tons of Tibetan pork to support Wuhan

China News Network Linzhi February 29th (Cai Yao Tan Yanli Zhang Shuping) On the 29th, Nyingchi City donated 34 tons of Tibetan fragrant pork with a total value of more than 2 million yuan to Hubei Province, and was issued from the Tibetan Pork Industrial Park in Gongbu Jiangda County, Linzhi City, Tibet.

The picture shows workers loading Tibetan pork. Photo by Cai Yao

It is reported that these materials will be donated to more than 10 first-line hospitals for epidemic prevention and control, including Wuhan Central Hospital, Wuhan First Hospital and Wuchang Hospital.

The picture shows volunteers making boxes. Photo by Cai Yao

Shi Yunben, deputy secretary of the Gongbu Jiangda County Party Committee and county head, said: "With the selfless assistance of people of all ethnic groups throughout the country, the economic and social situation in Tibet has undergone tremendous changes. One side has difficulties and eight sides have provided support. After this outbreak, we went to Linzhi To party committees and governments at all levels and to ordinary people, they have spontaneously organized and actively donated money and materials to overcome the difficulties together with the people of the country, especially the people in Wuhan, Hubei. "(End)

The picture shows workers dividing Tibetan pork. Photo by Cai Yao