China News Service, March 1. According to the website of the State Post Bureau, on February 28, the State Post Bureau held a 2020 national video conference on the supervision of the postal market. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to strictly check the delivery channels for inspection and real-name acceptance, to ensure that the hidden dangers of safety risks are checked.

Data sheet: The staff sorts the courier packages. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wei Liang

The meeting pointed out that in 2019, in the face of the complex situation of rising risks and challenges at home and abroad, the national postal market supervision team fully implemented the various decisions and arrangements of the bureau's party group, adhered to the general tone of progress while maintaining stability, thoroughly implemented the new development concept, and implemented high quality Development requirements, with supply-side structural reform as the main line, have become a series of major, important and difficult issues, overcoming one difficulty after another, and winning one hard battle after another. The postal industry, especially the express delivery industry, The role in development has been continuously enhanced, and it has made positive contributions to the "six stability".

The meeting pointed out that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, under the effective leadership of the party group of the National Bureau, urgent action, full-fighting, and rushing forward to the difficulties, opened a "green channel" for the delivery of anti-epidemic materials, especially the first-line express delivery in Hubei and Wuhan. Assaulting the front line, defending the city's "lifeline" fully reflects the role of the industry and has won praise from all walks of life. At present, in accordance with the requirements of the central government, we must focus on epidemic prevention and control with one hand, and resume production with one hand, and always adhere to the people as the center, fulfill our duties, strengthen our responsibilities, and work hard to win the epidemic prevention and control of the people's war, overall war, and obstruction warfare. Great power.

The meeting emphasized that 2020 is the year when a well-off society will be fully established and the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" ends. It is necessary to achieve the first century-old goal and lay a solid foundation for the development of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the second century-year goal. The 2020 National Postal Management Work Conference proposed that the "two-in, one-out" project be the starting point, persist in improving the "five systems" of the postal industry, and promote the modernization of the postal industry's governance system and capabilities. The supervision of the postal market should be carried out in depth to implement the deployment of the work conference, further improve political standing, strengthen theoretical arms, strengthen the fighting skills, focus on the high-quality development of the postal industry, and fully promote the "five systems" in accordance with the "four governance" principles and methods. Construction.

The meeting requested that the first is to persist in overall planning and strengthen system governance. It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between development and security, establish an overall view of national security in development, and vigorously implement the security development strategy from the political height of "two safeguards" and the strategy of maintaining national security. It is necessary to handle the relationship between development and green, stand at the height of building an ecological civilization and beautiful China, and re-understand, position, and plan the green development of the industry. Adhere to the combination of top-level design and solid foundation, based on the current and long-term integration. It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between macro-control and micro-regulation. Insist on encouraging innovation, expanding capacity, and ensuring safety and standardized services. We will continue to deepen the reform of “decentralization of services”, strengthen micro-supervision of unified management responsibilities of enterprises, and strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of employees in the industry.

The second is to adhere to the rule of law and strengthen governance according to law. We must adhere to legislation advancing with the times. The content of the rule of law in the industry governance system will be continuously enriched, and the basic role of the Postal Law in serving the reform and development of the postal industry will continue to be played. We must adhere to rigid legal constraints, be good at using law to guide and regulate the development of the industry, improve the decision-making mechanism according to law, and establish a system for investigating major decision-making responsibilities. We must adhere to fair and civilized law enforcement. Improve law enforcement procedures, comprehensively implement the responsibility system for administrative law enforcement, establish and improve the benchmark system for administrative discretion, and strengthen the credit awareness and self-binding power of market subjects.

The third is to insist on co-construction and co-governance and strengthen comprehensive governance. It is necessary to innovate the joint supervision model. Seize the "bull nose" of the responsibility system, promote the implementation of government supervision responsibilities and territorial management responsibilities, actively explore the department cooperation model that is in line with the actual conditions of industry governance, and continuously enrich the work carrier. It is necessary to upgrade the joint management and control of delivery security, prioritize the maintenance of national political security, ensure political security and system security as the first priority, adhere to and improve the governance mechanism of co-construction and shared governance, and further advance the comprehensive prevention and control information platform for delivery risk Construction. It is necessary to promote co-governance of plural subjects. Encourage and support the diverse participation of society in industry governance. Support industry associations to strengthen government-enterprise communication, standardize unified management, and formulate group standards. Give full play to the role of multilateral forces and improve the public participation mechanism.

The fourth is to adhere to both the symptoms and the root causes, and strengthen source governance. We must strengthen prevention at the source of security risks. Strict market access safety conditions, strict inspection and delivery of real-world inspection channels, real-name acceptance checkpoints to ensure that hidden dangers in production safety are checked without leaving any dead spots, strict implementation of corporate safety education and training systems, and adherence to emergency management based on prevention. It is necessary to strengthen the source control of packaging governance. Adhere to the standardization, reduction, and recyclable work policy, increase the application and promotion of courier recycling packaging, continue to do a good job of special packaging rectification, strengthen standard convergence and coordinated governance, effectively implement the producer responsibility extension system, and strengthen publicity and education. It is necessary to strengthen the source management of data sharing. Strengthen the management of interconnection and sharing of upstream e-commerce platforms and express delivery data, explore the "Internet +" regulatory innovation, and strengthen the sharing of data resources across departments.

The meeting deployed five key tasks this year. The first was to strengthen policy supply and consolidate the steady and progressive development trend. Make overall plans for epidemic prevention and control and industry development, create a better policy environment, deepen the "decentralization of service" reform, promote the expansion and transformation of express delivery services, and protect the rights of express delivery brothers. The second is to implement the "two-in, one-out" project to promote industry quality and efficiency. Start "Express Delivery to Village", promote "Express Delivery to Factory", promote "Express Delivery to the Sea", deeply integrate and serve local economic development. The third is to strengthen the management of express packaging and accelerate the development of green. We will improve the system of laws, regulations, standards, and policies to address key issues, solidly promote the implementation of responsibilities, and strengthen multi-party co-construction and governance. The fourth is to strengthen the comprehensive supervision of delivery safety and improve the emergency management system. Public security in accordance with the law, science and technology, security in a comprehensive manner, and strengthen emergency management. Fifth, strengthen and regulate market supervision and effectively maintain market order. Fully implement "double random, one open" supervision, continue to advance the standardization of administrative law enforcement, strengthen credit supervision, strengthen digital supervision, deepen supervision of new business forms, and strengthen postal user complaint handling.